Public opinion on gays and lesbians.

I'm glad you think so. ^_^
You are glad I think what? That being gay is so fun?

My wife is gay and so am I. Are you not putting that together?
Yes, I'm glad. Can I not be glad you are gay? Being gay is good.

I didn't mean to offend anybody.
I had a dream, that me and my friend Travis were playing in a field, wearing pink sun dresses. I love him so much, but he's straight, so I can only dream.
Gays are welcome to my casa anytime (when I get my own casa in uhmm.... years?)
I love the GLBT community!.. It's one of few genuinely inclusive communities. You meet a new person its like come on in, sit down like you have known them for years! My most endearing experiences at Deaf socials, events has been hosted by GLBT community. Of course a few crabby, chip on my shoulder folks for me less bigotry as compared to the general population. I am also the we are the world type ,with dynamic multicultural friends, works well for me!
:wave:applepie! am glad that you are so open:D

one thing to consider - like any community, the GBLTQ community is not "rosy-colored" - acceptance can and does vary. Historically much more so then now, true. But I do recall a few years back being told that bi folks didn't exist <am bi> by the lesbian/gay group in charge of a survey being distributed at my university. Things like racism is also alive and well. Bi and trans people have been the last "categories" to be truly included and trans folks still can end up with difficulties with the "female-born-female" issue. Location also plays a role - S.F. is likely going to be more accepting in general than someplace in the Midwest.
Yes,yes very true acceptance does vary, thanks!! Do you think maybe gay/lesbian people are apprehensive about bisexuality in a romantic sense? Sort of like if you are equally attracted, then how do I know you won't leave me for the opposite sex? not the most realistic fear maybe part of the perception..Or do you truly love me if we don't identify with our sexuality the question is, do bisexual people tend to date other bisexual people? With transgendered as opposed to transsexual..sure i can see how the transgendered community may experience a lot of discrimination. Many people cannot separate sex and gender..hmmm..
I feel as if a bi/les/gay/whatever was in love with you, (another GLBT person)
and they left you for another straight person, then they aren't as GLBT as you thought they were.

That's just my opinion.
apple, I think there's a number of things - one is the myth that bi folks are "finicky" , not monogamous, "on the fence", which isn't true in general. and yes, a lot of it is fear that because the bi person can have physical/loving relationships without regard to sex/gender, that the bi person could "leave me" for "whoever" element of competition, which relates to fear. And sadly some people have had the experience of their lover ID'ing as gay or lesbian and then they learn more about themselves, ID as bi later and then they may happen to find another someone who happens to be not their original lover or partner. Or they may as an individual be interested in having more than than a dual relationship and one of the lovers may be of another sex or gender than the original first partner.
and overall part of it may be - "if u truly love me..."
and in my experience there has been some sense of betrayal sometimes within some lesbian communities, particularly lesbian-separatist communities.
I just think there's a lot of myths and fear overall.

trans folks experience a lot of discrimination/misunderstanding from all fronts, especially people in transition, and in areas of public bathrooms, certain festivals and so on. Since transsexual covers a range of "categories" - genderqueer, transgender and so on - there's a lot of misperceptions.
WoW! I will need to look into this further..I am not familiar with "gender queer",it maybe self explanatory...Ahhh.. love, so complex yet wonderful!!..learned something today that's pretty cool!!
sure! glad I was helpful ....part of that comes from your being open to it, too:)
What kind of business should public be in for those GLBT? Or in general? Do public really need to know about these people?

In my perspective, it is NONE of public business to tell others how to live.

Public needs to quit trying to run other people's lives. Those who tried to run others lives are actually destroying their freedom. We always long for freedom in America, now where is it?

Hey public, don't tell me how to live! Im sick and tired of it.
Being gay is so much fun. I am gay and my wife accepts me for who I am. She is gay also and we have a wonderful union.

Hear2Much is super sarcastic, and serious at the same time. as always.

I think being gay is fun too :D I have an excuse now to marvel at a girls dress and wish I could wear it :giggle: (I did that at prom back in High School haha)
One of few country accept lesbian but doesn't accept gay. I guess these men with law enjoy to see both woman play around.
I don't have a problem with them, They are like us, only different is that they like the same sex while I happen to like opposite sex. I have few friends and family members that happens to be gay/Lesbian but it doesn't make me respect them any less or love them any less. To be honest... I think they are bit more fun as they are WAY more open mind than most straight people I know.

But I'll be honest.... while growing up and in High school, I judged them... I thought they were not natural, and made fun of them lots of time... even made snide remarks... influences from my family and friends I hung around while growing up. But then one day... it has opened my eyes... You see, I was dating this guy for almost four years, promised to marry, but then he just couldn't take it anymore, he told me right out that he doesn't know what sexuality he is. I was heart broken and did hate him for a while. But then I have forgiven him and seen that he's just the same man I've loved all these years, same personality and he makes me laugh most of the time. He's just same as Me, only that he's into guys. He's now gay and I totally have accepted him... even encouraged him to find a right man for him. We're now still good friends and I'm glad. He's the guy that opened my mind and opened my eyes... although I did feel bad for the past I've done... looking back, I made snide remarks and judgement on gay people whenever we passed by, not ever knowing he was gay himself! Horrible to think that he has kept it to himself, hearing it from me making judgements while he was unsure of himself.

Anyways, while my family may not agree on the views I see, that's alright, its their beliefs while I have my own beliefs. All I know is that they are just like us, people with only one different, that they prefer their own same sex.
Sexual orientation hasn't, and won't, define for me how I view others.

I don't identify myself as bi-sexual but I've been with a few women. My preference is definitely men but, occasionally, I feel a connection with a woman. Exploring my sexual boundaries has always been an important part of who I am so I wouldn't judge someone else for exploring theirs. In fact, I celebrate that.

An interesting story. My ex-husband left me for a guy 5 years ago. It hurt like hell at the time but, after a year of hating men, I came to the realization that you just can't choose whom you are attracted to. I said to one of my lesbian friends that I wanted to become a lesbian, too, and she said, "Rebecca, don't do it! It will just give you a whole 'nother gender to hate!" I took her advice. :giggle:
Not relevant to glbt at all, but: Why do girls have to be used in pornos?
Girls have got some very nice bodies! But why can't we use girls' naked bodies for their elegancy? Why must they be used sexually?
On the note of being gay.
I'm openly gay.
However, I'm not someone who goes to pride parades or makes it too entirely known.
I feel that if I let my sexuality define me, I'm only perpetuating a stereotype. This stereotype is the common gay male. Or what society seems to have deemed appropriate for that role.
I'm a person before I'm gay. It's usually the last thing I mention to someone, only because it's not the most important thing about me.
I digress.
My main point being: I'm a man that is gay, not a gay man.