Protect Kangaroo Culls


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I read today s newspaper about kangaroo culling.

Canberra officials seek law to protect kangaroo cull

Australian lawmakers may write new legislation ensuring kangaroos can be shot to curb overpopulation problems, an Australian official said today, a day after a court suspended a programme to kill thousands of the beloved marsupials.

Animal activists challenged the government's contention that thousands of common eastern grey kangaroos must be urgently slaughtered on Canberra's fringes to protect endangered plants, reptiles and insects.

Civilian marksmen contracted by the defence department and equipped with telescopic sights and spotlights shot and killed 4 000 kangaroos, which are largely nocturnal, at the Majura Training Area near Canberra over nine nights since last week. The department wants to slash the kangaroo population from 9 000 to 2 000 on the 3 000ha site.
We have too many kangaroos in out area. :roll:
We do the same thing to deers in Iowa. It is necessary.
A lot of people caused to kill them by roadkills.
Yeah, it is bad enough to have many kangaroos, just like deers we have here on the island getting hit by the motorists which their car was damaged, even being killed in the deer accidents. We don't want to have too many big animals run into us and get us all killed. That is why every Fall we killed deers to cut down on the population. We still have many deers anyway after the Fall. They have a right to be here on Earth, but we just can not tolerate having too many big animals crossing or standing around on the roads. That is why we have to do something about it to minimize that. :(
Before I immigrated into the United States. I used to shoot Kangaroos, wild pigs, foxes and rabbits with my trusty .270Cal rifle and 12ga Magnum pump action shotgun. I love my shottie, sighs. awesome weapon!!! I don't care about the animal rights activists thinking killing is morally wrong.

let me put this in your perspective. How would a dumb kangaroo crossing the road at night hitting a family car at 65Mph/100Kph and then slammed into a tree or into a deep ditch killing all family occupants? Who is going to blame for this Speeding or a dumb animal. Who knows. Human life lost is not WORTH counting for.

I recall many years ago, my nephew and I had a permit from landowner who had intrusted us into do the job, permitting to shoot Kangaroos and other wild animals on sight on a private land. Protecting their life stock (sheeps and cows) and all of a sudden a small group of animal rights activists hounded us, yelled abuse, took us our firearms away and tried to imprison us. I had my nephew called the landowner via satellite telephone and in the landowners had to call the rural police. They were arrested and charged for invading private land without permission and of course harassment. What a crock load of stupid people

Truckies are tired of hitting kangaroos as they generate huge damage to their trucks and costly to repair.

So killing is good in both ways.

1/ cut down to a manageable size as mandated by Australian Government so in return, the ecosystem will flourish.

2/ gaming meats are very delicious to eat, way better than farm raised meats. We sell gaming meats from Kangaroo and wild pigs to international markets and gets paid for it. We were instructed to shoot Kangaroo's head in order to have these meats up for sale to meat processors
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let me put this in your perspective. How would a dumb kangaroo crossing the road at night hitting a family car at 65Mph/100Kph and then slammed into a tree or into a deep ditch killing all family occupants? Who is going to blame for this Speeding or a dumb animal. Who knows. Human life lost is not WORTH counting for.

Human beings by far account more than kangaroos ever will for causing fatalities in car collisions.

Anyway, the truth is, people caused the overpopulation of such animals like kangaroos, deers, coyotes, rabbits and more. When you kill them, they will reproduce on a bigger scale.

You see, animals are capable of abstinence. Stress and pheromones play a role in animals having self-control. Not something a lot of people are aware of.

When we start interfering with their natural eco-system and reproduction cycle, that's when they start to overpopulate.

When they overpopulate, people seems to think eliminating them is the answer when in fact it'll only make the problem much worse in many cases. Just look at the massive overpopulation of deers. Do you have any idea how many deers are shot on an annual basis and they are overpopulating more than ever? Many are starving to death and eating up our resources because we never learn from our mistakes.

Besides, I eat meat. But I'm not going to pretend that we aren't causing problems in regard to the overpopulation of some species.

It's quite the irony when people complain about the animal overpopulation when it's in fact us who are overpopulating. Earth isn't supposed to sustain more than 500 million human beings, but thanks to the discovery of oil, coal and energy resources, we are able to sustain more than a few billions. But can we really go much more than that?

Not really.
Human beings by far account more than kangaroos ever will for causing fatalities in car collisions.

Anyway, the truth is, people caused the overpopulation of such animals like kangaroos, deers, coyotes, rabbits and more. When you kill them, they will reproduce on a bigger scale.

You see, animals are capable of abstinence. Stress and pheromones play a role in animals having self-control. Not something a lot of people are aware of.

When we start interfering with their natural eco-system and reproduction cycle, that's when they start to overpopulate.

When they overpopulate, people seems to think eliminating them is the answer when in fact it'll only make the problem much worse in many cases. Just look at the massive overpopulation of deers. Do you have any idea how many deers are shot on an annual basis and they are overpopulating more than ever? Many are starving to death and eating up our resources because we never learn from our mistakes.

Besides, I eat meat. But I'm not going to pretend that we aren't causing problems in regard to the overpopulation of some species.

It's quite the irony when people complain about the animal overpopulation when it's in fact us who are overpopulating. Earth isn't supposed to sustain more than 500 million human beings, but thanks to the discovery of oil, coal and energy resources, we are able to sustain more than a few billions. But can we really go much more than that?

Not really.

I have never learn that even if I have lived in the woods in Minnesota and living here on the island, where there is always lots of deer crossing on the roads or on the roads from what you mention about the overpopulation. If we don't kill many deer, they will be able to do the abstinence and control their population. For me, I don't know if that will work, but if it works, then it is great. I love wild animals and birds. No wonder we have been trying to figure out how to minimize that many animals around the island. We are not scientists but we thought we might try to minimize by killing the animals every Fall. I guess they are wrong including myself. Thank you, Banjo for teaching me the lesson on understanding why deer had overpopulate and still producing many more fawns. We have a lot to learn about our world, Earth. :cool2:
Before I immigrated into the United States. I used to shoot Kangaroos, wild pigs, foxes and rabbits with my trusty .270Cal rifle and 12ga Magnum pump action shotgun. I love my shottie, sighs. awesome weapon!!! I don't care about the animal rights activists thinking killing is morally wrong.

let me put this in your perspective. How would a dumb kangaroo crossing the road at night hitting a family car at 65Mph/100Kph and then slammed into a tree or into a deep ditch killing all family occupants? Who is going to blame for this Speeding or a dumb animal. Who knows. Human life lost is not WORTH counting for.

I recall many years ago, my nephew and I had a permit from landowner who had intrusted us into do the job, permitting to shoot Kangaroos and other wild animals on sight on a private land. Protecting their life stock (sheeps and cows) and all of a sudden a small group of animal rights activists hounded us, yelled abuse, took us our firearms away and tried to imprison us. I had my nephew called the landowner via satellite telephone and in the landowners had to call the rural police. They were arrested and charged for invading private land without permission and of course harassment. What a crock load of stupid people

Truckies are tired of hitting kangaroos as they generate huge damage to their trucks and costly to repair.

So killing is good in both ways.

1/ cut down to a manageable size as mandated by Australian Government so in return, the ecosystem will flourish.

2/ gaming meats are very delicious to eat, way better than farm raised meats. We sell gaming meats from Kangaroo and wild pigs to international markets and gets paid for it. We were instructed to shoot Kangaroo's head in order to have these meats up for sale to meat processors
Speaking of the truck crashing part, these truckies can't just swerve the truck to avoid the killing of an kangaroo, they don't care, better safe than sorry - crash it, kill it, minor repair.
exactly. If they were to swerve they would lose control of their vehicle and thus lose the entire load which is far more costly than a repair bill.