One footnote to krazykatkitty's post-reality. Not every "deaf" person can use a Cochlear Implant. From very direct experience here In Toronto-Sunnybrook: Cochlear Implant section: over 60% of all persons sent to them for consideration of Implantation were REJECTED for one reason or other- the physical state of one's ear etc.
This information was given at a meeting of successful patients last year-their experience over the last 19 years. In the same time 850 people were successful of which I was one.
Sunnybrook is one of the 3 centres in Ontario which do Cochlear Implant operations-for adults. ( London & Ottawa are the others)( Babies/children: Hospital for Sick Kids/Toronto & Ottawa)
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
This information was given at a meeting of successful patients last year-their experience over the last 19 years. In the same time 850 people were successful of which I was one.
Sunnybrook is one of the 3 centres in Ontario which do Cochlear Implant operations-for adults. ( London & Ottawa are the others)( Babies/children: Hospital for Sick Kids/Toronto & Ottawa)
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07