I assume they are still under warranty?
After I decided to get a CI and then learned my wife was pregnant with our first child, I personally will never ditch my CI because I love more than anything being able to hear my little girl (4 months old now) make sounds. It's little things like that that make this process worth it to me. I do realize other peoples experiences are different and CI isn't for everyone. I have had a very positive experience the last 7 months with my CI and will always recommend it for anyone that has an interest in having it done.
well that's nice. (hands you a tissue)
are you aware the issue isn't really about you
what ever harm the products you "choose" to use inflict on others is besides the point, as long as YOU get to those products. the rest be damned.
the ci industry itself has done grave damage to another culture and people, ie Deaf. by design and aim and rather well funded and thought out goals. it has NOT been an accident.
i like the language you use, its very typical of a first world order of thinking.
"my", 'I', "personally" its always after all only and always about you.
yes i'm well aware YOU are unaware of the damage your messiah products do and have done to us.
as for the little things as you state, indeed the little things like language deprivation and denial of ASL to Deaf babies and children at the orders of professionals in the ci industry.
little things, like that, that add up to years of alienation, isolation, non fluency in either english or sign, i have to wonder, how little these things truly are.
are you aware the first implanted into babies against medical advice?
of course not
are you aware they first tested these things on Deaf against medical advice,? of course not.
are you aware they performed human testing on us for these damn products against medical advice, but money was to made and thus they made it, regardless of what actually benefits could possibly be had.
they never pushed for the expansion of ci into babies heads over the goal to help them, they pushed to expand the market for implantation only after they realized most Deaf weren't as they first thought falling onto our hands and knees begging them to drill holes in our heads and save us from our dire existence...they couldn't fathom why we rejected their "fix", and thus they decided to aim for those of us who cant make a chocie. babies.
if you read the literature, judging by your post clearly you havnt you would see, implantation into babies was first and for most a business decision to expand the acquisition of money.
the expansion of the market to drill holes into our babies heads was first and foremost about earning money. regardless of the harm, regardless of actual medical advice.
its just typical colonialism. that most minorities at one time in one way have suffered. but with us its not a conquest of land, in the traditional sense.
they want to, and they do conquer and hold our damn bodies!!
ci is colonialism of the body
they do this from the very first early intervention oralist ritual, where they measure and tag who is Deaf broken goods in need of fixing and is who not.
they conquer and hold our bodies by invasive surgeries, implanting of products into our babies heads, along with this is a strict regime that dis empowers parents to actually make choices for their children, instead the experts do that, its the specialists that are in control..the same teams of people who have vested interested in the products they drill into us. products that routinely turn faulty. products who failure rate is hushed in the press, products who stay inside our bodies for life.
of course your not aware of this, after all its only about you
its those above little things i posted that make the resistance against the assimilation worth it for us
its every time we see one of our babies signing, that makes it worth it for us
its every time we against their dictates get our babies and children signing that makes it worth it for us.
its every damn time one of us has had enough and rejects their colonization of our bodies and takes it off, turns it off, ditches it!!
every time one of us decides to live life with no wires attached and be free.
it makes it worth it for us.
who the hell do they think they are?
have you ever even sincerely looked at the numbers?
why don't you go tell your ci surgeons that ci isnt for everyone..looking at the numbers and the rate of implantation,,,they seem to disagree with your sentiment when it comes down to Deaf babies
you claim its not for everyone yet from the other side of your mouth (typical hearie, signs the sign for hearie on forehead looking at you) you claim you'll recommend it to anyone....
no kiddin..
well damn
here's a secret.
there are many of us who refuse the dictates of billion dollar multi national corporations who's main goal and aim is the ridding of the world of people like us..
and We are going to be getting louder about it.
We don't need a cure. We are not broken. We are not cursed. We dont need to get fixed. We don't need your of technological salvation.
what we want is for people like you, and those of your ilk who support this cultural genocide to leave us the hell alone
thank you