Pretty Babies

I went on the pill when i was 17 not because of having sex but because i use to get REALLY bad cramps. It also helped with my face and acne and what not. Not everyone goes on the pill and besided what if something ever happened and your child didn't tell you something (hopefully they are older round 16+) wouldn't you rather they be on the pill instead of ending up getting pregnant by accident. Not that i condone young girls having sex at 15 or 16 or like Jamie-Lynn Spears. I cannot comment on the eyebrow thing i think i started waxing my brows at 13 or 14 but i was also a highly competitive cheerleader/gymnast then too. I also shaved my legs and bikini area around the same age (13-14ish) because i was in a sport where u wear no pants or shorts. Just a gymnastics leo and then a short skirt for competitive cheerleading. I also think that some kids are starting to wax and save earlier because girls are starting to get their periods and starting puberty alot earlier.
I went on the pill when i was 17 not because of having sex but because i use to get REALLY bad cramps. It also helped with my face and acne and what not. Not everyone goes on the pill and besided what if something ever happened and your child didn't tell you something (hopefully they are older round 16+) wouldn't you rather they be on the pill instead of ending up getting pregnant by accident. Not that i condone young girls having sex at 15 or 16 or like Jamie-Lynn Spears. I cannot comment on the eyebrow thing i think i started waxing my brows at 13 or 14 but i was also a highly competitive cheerleader/gymnast then too. I also shaved my legs and bikini area around the same age (13-14ish) because i was in a sport where u wear no pants or shorts. Just a gymnastics leo and then a short skirt for competitive cheerleading. I also think that some kids are starting to wax and save earlier because girls are starting to get their periods and starting puberty alot earlier.

Since you are young and more in touch with the younger generation, is the pressure to look all grown up great for little girls? I have a daughter who is 11 years old and so far she hasnt shown signs of wanting to look older than she is but still I prefer to be ready.

In the 1980s, when I was in junior high school, Madonna was just emerging as a big star and all of us girls were dressing up like her with all the spiked up hair and lacy clothes. However, none us took much thought to the sexiness that came with dressing up like that. We just wanted to look like her..nothing about sex. Is that the same for this generation of girls?

I would appreciate your input. Thanks! I am getting OLD!!! man!
I went on the pill when i was 17 not because of having sex but because i use to get REALLY bad cramps. It also helped with my face and acne and what not. Not everyone goes on the pill and besided what if something ever happened and your child didn't tell you something (hopefully they are older round 16+) wouldn't you rather they be on the pill instead of ending up getting pregnant by accident. Not that i condone young girls having sex at 15 or 16 or like Jamie-Lynn Spears. I cannot comment on the eyebrow thing i think i started waxing my brows at 13 or 14 but i was also a highly competitive cheerleader/gymnast then too. I also shaved my legs and bikini area around the same age (13-14ish) because i was in a sport where u wear no pants or shorts. Just a gymnastics leo and then a short skirt for competitive cheerleading. I also think that some kids are starting to wax and save earlier because girls are starting to get their periods and starting puberty alot earlier.

Good point - girls are developing earlier and earlier. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think it has to do with the hormone-producing products they are processing in food and drinks such as the hormones they use in cows to produce more milk. I think this is also links to cancer. (Sorry this is swerving off topic). However, girls need to be girls... no reason for girls to wear thongs for god's sake. Or wear heavy make-up, etc. Childhood is a small fraction of a lifetime.