Pretend Friends....


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Does your child have a special pal whom no one else can see? or does your child have a fave stuff animal or blanket that he/she hold most of the time even taking it with them for a ride in the car?
i dont have a kid but i keep my fave pillow (feather inside) since i was 3 yrs old, i still keep it.. i must take pillow with me anywhere, i cant stand without! :nana:
That's impossible! *looks at my best friend, Bob* Hey, Bob... tell them it's impossible! No, I don't tell them for you. I want you to tell them yourself! No, stop playing with me! Dammit, he just disappeared on me! Really, there's no such thing as make-believe friends! ;)
i has fav stuff animal.. it is teddy bear.. i cannot go anywhere without it.. most of the time i leave it on my bed... but not have with me in rit.. :cry:
I don't remember having a favorite toy/image friend.

But, Jordan has his favorite Blanket that he carries with him everywhere he goes. If I wash his blanket in the washer he would throw a fist, :crazy: he would scream on the top of his lungs because, his blanket is in the washer.. When I give it to him after it is dry he all happy again. I have to take his blanket when he isn't looking when it is time to wash but that is difficult to do at times. I felt like this is going to be like the movie "Mr.Mom"
My pretend friends were the barbie dolls. I would talk to them for hours. Anytime my mom visits me in my room I'd throw them under my bed to avoid the embarrassment. My daughter is 10 months old now so she's a little too young to get into it. Probably will by the time she's 2.
My youngest daughter did have a favorite blanket that she was really attached to, but she outgrew that before she turned 5...I do know that as she was growing up, while playing with her barbies, (a whole lotta of 'em...never seem to be enough! lol!!) I would noticed that she would be chatting away to however many invisible friends she had, but when she saw me nearby or watching...she would be very quiet! But hey, it's not only cute or adorable to watch, but it does keep the 'child' preoccupied! ;)
I did have an "imaginary" friend but I think I was aware he was a figment of my imagination. He always popped up whenever I was in my mom's van. That was the only place where my imagination would run amok.
I do have this teddy bear I would cherish but few years ago I was forced to put it in the attic... but I still keep my blankie. It is so small and everything so I use it as a "decorative" blanket for my bed. I used to carry it with me when I spend the night at somebody's house (even when I was in high school) but I have overcame to leave it behind at my home. ;-)

[EDIT: The imaginary friend of mine was a Peter-Pan like boy... only he can run fast, not fly. :giggle:]
My first son, had my buddy doll he used to carry around him all the time until he saw the movie ' Chucky ', then I guess he no longer carry that doll with him anymore...

My second son, had those little poke'mon stuff animals that he would take it with him to bed, even played with them for hours....

My third son, had a blue clue stuff animals that he always carry it with him even in bed...but now he outgrown it...

I used to play with my barbies and even talk back and fourth with it also I used to held my strawberry shortcake doll all the time, it was one of my fave, and since I grew up, I missed my strawberry shortcake doll, so when I went to the store to buy a toy for my 4 years old, I saw a strawberry shortcake doll on the shelf, so I brought one...and it in my collection with the other dolls ...I planning on buying more when I see more of them , It sure bring back the good memories ;)
My daughter is 7, but she has had an imaginary friend since she was 2 or 3 named Ducky, who is a duck- of course!

Sometimes Ducky misbehaves and I have to throw her out the window, but she always seems to find her way back.
My youngest daughter, Caroline, (she is 8) has this very old bunny that she refuses to let go of.

She was 1 year old when she was at my sisters house. My sister's dog had that bunny in his mouth. She toddled up to the dog and yanked it out of the dog's mouth and said "Mine". Ever since that day, she refuses to be apart from her Brownie Bunny.

The Bunny must be about 20 years old yet she refuses to play with any other fancy or new toys.

She always talks to Brownie as if the bunny is a real person and all that. My oldest daughter always roll up her eyes and say " Here it goes again".
My Mum gave me a brand new stuffed toy -- a dog with a brown patch around one eye. I was like a few months old when I got that dog and I STILL have it today! :P It sits on the shelf above my bed here at home. It's about 33 years old...has old paint on its ears and it's still looking good, a bit battered, :lol:.
PurpleRose71 said:
My Mum gave me a brand new stuffed toy -- a dog with a brown patch around one eye. I was like a few months old when I got that dog and I STILL have it today! :P It sits on the shelf above my bed here at home. It's about 33 years old...has old paint on its ears and it's still looking good, a bit battered, :lol:.

Funnily enough, I do remember where that paint came from -- my dad had been making a bunk bed for my sister and I -- he had painted it off white and was drying in the garage when I went in the garage and decided to play on the beds..I was like...what, 7 years old...didn't know the paint was still wet and lay my dog on one of the slats on the bed. Lo behold, the paint was stuck on the ears, heh.