President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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:lol: Wow... :roll:

Okay - I know it's very unusual for me since I tend to finish with each thread when I said "I'm done w/ thread" or whatever it is. But this post will be my VERY last post.

First off... AD Pro Lifers - Just let this thread go. I see so many assumed posts in here.. I am so sorry that I 'got' you guys to involve with me after one tiny post (#38) I made, and I don't have no idea why any one can took it so personal over one little thing, my little opinion comment (#38)... It's my fault for caused this thread over my mere post. So just ignore this thread since it's getting so pointless for now. Come on, pro-lifers, let's go and be enjoy. :)

Huh? Please re-read my post carefully that I agree with you over donation issues what you quoted to explain someone because it´s not just pro-lifer who donate the money to poor people including children but pro-choicers did the same thing as well that´s why I give you right that donation has nothing do with pro-lifer or pro-choicer but it´s people itself who voluneeter donate the money to poor people....

look - i'm trying very hard not to get my blood pressure from skyrocketing. What you just said above is IRRELEVANT. I don't care who gives what to poor people. Religious people do it. Rich people do it. Pro-Lifers do it. Pro-Choicers do it. Soldiers do it. I do it. You do it. yea cool but those are IRRELEVANT to this issue. This is about abortion, not donation to poor people.

What donation to poor people have to do with abortion??????
:lol: Wow... :roll:

Okay - I know it's very unusual for me since I tend to finish with each thread when I said "I'm done w/ thread" or whatever it is. But this post will be my VERY last post.

First off... AD Pro Lifers - Just let this thread go. I see so many assumed posts in here.. I am so sorry that I 'got' you guys to involve with me after one tiny post I made, and I don't have no idea why any one can took it so personal over one little thing, my little opinion comment... It's my fault for caused this thread over my mere post. So just ignore this thread since it's getting so pointless for now. Come on, pro-lifers, let's go and be enjoy. :)


lol don't worry Karissa - most of posts are largely in response to Maria & Dreama's post. Only you and Liebling are talking about donation to poor people.
the pro-lifers of ad are just expressing their opinions.

yep nothing wrong with that but the only problem here is them staying objective to this issue without bringing in irrelevant issues.
look - i'm trying very hard not to get my blood pressure from skyrocketing. What you just said above is IRRELEVANT. I don't care who gives what to poor people. Religious people do it. Rich people do it. Pro-Lifers do it. Pro-Choicers do it. Soldiers do it. I do it. You do it. yea cool but those are IRRELEVANT to this issue. This is about abortion, not donation to poor people.

What donation to poor people have to do with abortion??????

Yes, we have same view on this because its about woman´s choice and abortion issues. I gave you right that donation has nothing do with those issues.
lol don't worry Karissa - most of posts are largely in response to Maria & Dreama's post. Only you and Liebling are talking about donation to poor people.

No, Karissa and I do not talk about donation issues. I only quoted to give you right about donation issues and explain examples...

Whatever... :shrug: ....
:lol: Wow... :roll:

Okay - I know it's very unusual for me since I tend to finish with each thread when I said "I'm done w/ thread" or whatever it is. But this post will be my VERY last post.

First off... AD Pro Lifers - Just let this thread go. I see so many assumed posts in here.. I am so sorry that I 'got' you guys to involve with me after one tiny post (#38) I made, and I don't have no idea why any one can took it so personal over one little thing, my little opinion comment (#38)... It's my fault for caused this thread over my mere post. So just ignore this thread since it's getting so pointless for now. Come on, pro-lifers, let's go and be enjoy. :)


You cannot tell pro-lifers what to do. It´s up to pro-lifers if they want to continue their debate in agree to disagree with us.

Please don´t take our posts personally when we see different as you. We can agree to disagree in general way without accuse or assume you negatively.

I am trying to say that we do not intend to upset you over those issues... that´s just we share our debate here.

Ten years ago this March, I became pregnant. Only 14 years old. My 15 year old boyfriend and I had only had sex three times when I got pregnant. I was very scared and did not know what to do. I must have been about 7 or 8 weeks pregnant. I was young and very naive. I thought everything would be all right. He told me he would take care of me. "We will get married." He had already given me a promise ring.

I was very nervous about telling my parents. My mother and father were divorced. My mother abandoned us every chance she could to marry number three of the five husbands she has had. I saw my father every other weekend. On which, the only words that were spoken were, "You are in the way of the TV."

My mother was getting ready for a date, when I walked in the bathroom. She knew before I could even get the words out. She slapped me across the face. All she could say were words like, "How could you do this to me?" "You are having an abortion" "I'm not raising that baby!" "I will throw you out on the streets before I let you have that baby." She also told me, because I was so young, I could not physically have the baby. "It would kill me." She made me promise not to tell anyone.

My mother and father drove me to my boyfriend's house to have a 'meeting.' My parents took him in one room, and his parents took me in another. His mother held me tight and said, "We'll help you." I could only imagine what my parents were telling my boyfriend. No one ever asked me what I wanted. I wanted my baby! I loved my baby!

That was the last time I spoke to my boyfriend or his parents again. Two miserable weeks later my mother drove me two hours away to have an abortion. I cried the whole way. My mother never spoke a word. The doctor asked me, "Do you really want to do this?" Wanting so much to scream NO!! All I could say, with tears running down my face was, "I have to."

Several suicide attempts, two mental hospitals, and six therapists later, I still cannot say the word 'ABORTION' out loud.

Forcing a teenager to have an abortion
talk about a rather shitty day to start your week here in AD, si? :smash:
wow. first the wiki thread and now this. guess i'll be bowing out of this thread, too.
FYI - USA Supreme Court and international medical community do not agree with your statement. sorry.

No Comment from Reid on Obama’s Executive Order Funding Abortions Abroad
Saturday, January 24, 2009
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

( – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would not comment Friday on President Obama’s reversal of the Mexico City Policy, which had prohibited U.S. tax dollars from going to organizations that promote or perform abortions abroad.

The executive order means that abortions around the globe will now be paid for by federal funds. While Obama was expected to issue the order sometime Friday, he did not actually do so until around 7:00 p.m. that night--when weekly news coverage is at a minimum.

“That’s not SCHIP,” Reid responded to when asked about the move to have the United States government fund abortions in other countries. Reid was speaking at a press conference at the Capitol on Friday afternoon in support of legislation to provide health insurance for children paid for by states and the federal government.

“We can talk about that some other day,” Reid said.

Obama promised during his presidential campaign that he would reverse the Mexico City Policy that was orginally put in place by President Ronald Reagan during a 1984 international summit in Mexico City.

President Clinton reversed the policy on his second day in office in 1993--on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court 's Jan. 22, 1973 opinion legalizing abortion throughout the United States.

President George Bush reinstated the policy on Jan. 22, 2001, on his second day in office.

Obama reversed the policy on Jan. 23, 2009.

Pro-life reaction to the order was pointed.

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who works with the pro-life group Priests for Life, held a press conference in front of the White House on Friday, in anticipation of Obama's executive order.

“Over 45 years ago, my uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., wrote from a Birmingham jail cell that ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” King said in a prepared statement. “Today, there is no greater injustice than that suffered by the 4,000 babies, 1,400 of them black, who die on any given day at the hands of abortionists.”

King said she wanted to “testify to President Obama that while he is living his dreams, those babies will be dying horrible deaths because of the policies he supports.”

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, issued a statement Friday criticizing Obama’s decision.

“Here we have a black president taking money from the taxpayers in a time of economic crisis and giving it to organizations—many of which are anti-Catholic—so they can spend it on killing non-white babies in Third World nations,” Donohue said.

In a statement on Friday, Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of Americans United for Life Action said, “What a terrible way to begin a new administration: with an abortion business bailout that will exploit women in developing countries for political ends. We should not export the tragedy of abortion to other nations, and we certainly shouldn’t do so via the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers.”

But the president’s order is being hailed by pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the largest recipient of Title X federal family planning funds--more than $300 million a year--and the largest abortion provider in the United States, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Dr. Gill Greer, director general of the London-based International Planned Parenthood Federation, released a statement praising Obama’s then-pending decision.

“The gag rule has done immense harm and caused untold suffering to millions around the world,” Greer said. “It has undermined health systems and endangered the lives and health of the poorest and most vulnerable women on the planet by denying access to life saving family planning, sexual and reproductive health and HIV services and exposing them to the dangers of unsafe abortion.”

Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, went even further in spelling out what she hopes the new Democrat-controlled Congress and the Obama administration will do for pro-abortion causes.

“While repealing the global gag rule is a critical step in recognizing that women's health must be a priority, it's just a first step,” Richards said in a petition drive letter on Planned Parenthood’s Web site. “The fight for access to health care and rights is an uphill one, and there is serious work to be done to rectify nearly a decade of bad policies not just in the U.S. but around the world.

“In the short term, restoring funding for UNFPA (United Nation’s Population Fund); removing abstinence-only requirements in AIDS funding; and increasing foreign assistance for reproductive health, including $1 billion for family planning, will move us in the right direction,” said Richards.

But King said on Friday she wants Obama to remember the millions of babies that will not have the chance to make history.

“I see the pride on African-American faces everywhere, pride in the tremendous breakthrough President Obama represents,” King said. “But I also can close my eyes and see the millions upon millions of young black, white, red, and yellow faces who never had the chance to live, overcome, or witness history.” - No Comment from Reid on Obama’s Executive Order Funding Abortions Abroad

Now, you tell me that USA Supreme Court and international medical community do not agree with my statement ? Hmm?? Like I told you that the abortion statastic will climb high... look what Obama is doin' now.

Did you not know that the abortion was first invented by Rome in centuries ago ?
I'd also like to know if abortion were to be illegal, WHERE the funding for MORE prisons would come from (to imprison women and doctors),
When abortion was illegal in the USA, only the abortionists were prosecuted. The women were not prosecuted. So there would be no need to build prisons for women.

WHERE the funding for prosecuting them would come from
Do you ask the same question about the prosecuting of any criminals?

WHERE women who have existing children would put their children (more kids in foster care, greeeeat), ecetra. NO pro-lifer has EVER been able to answer those questions.
Why would existing children need more foster care?

I'll be happy to answer any questions that make sense.
WHERE women who have existing children would put their children (more kids in foster care, greeeeat), ecetra. NO pro-lifer has EVER been able to answer those questions.

Not true.

Steralization on demand would solve that one. It's the most sure way of not creating any unwanted pregnancies. In adition to that women who change their mind can adopt. So decreasing children in care.

On top of that all child abusers will have to be steralized so they don't produce and abuse more children.
i hate it when some pro-lifers say that abortions are forced upon poor, innocent teenage mothers. perhaps those teenage mothers should have thought twice before engaging in sex and/or should have used protection (with the exception of cases where protection fails).

Truth hurts doesn't it.
Scratch my head

If girl teenagers don't want abortion but forced by parent, I had seen on some situation with teens that I met during high school time.

Thanks for supplying this information.
unless a gun is put to their head, they are not "forced" to do anything. they may be coerced, but they are not forced.

Sorry but there are plenty of other ways to force someone to do something. Like being thrown out of the house. Parents have power over their children. I'm astonished that you don't already know this.
Are you for real? What about all the IRAQI children that have died thanks to Bush? Afghani? Katrina Children? Children here in America that have died of treatable diseases/infections because they made the poor choice of being born to poor parents (which is what it boils down to)?

What does that have to do with abortion?

I was against the war on Iraq, but since I am from England I was just told to mind my own buisness since I am not amaerican. Now it seems being against the war is OK. Which is a good thing.

Lets hope the same is true for abortion one day.
You did not provide a link to me when I asked you for a source to prove it since you stated in your previous post, sayin' " "the needs of few outweighs the needs of many"... Hmm ?

I don't think it is fair if you ask me for my source without providin' yours at my request earlier.

They can't provide us with a source because their believe is based on political jargon and untrue facts. It's as simple as that. Yes and steriotyping pro lifers as 'religious nutters' and fetuses as 'parasites'. Since their pro abortion beliefs are emotion based not fact based they have nothing to show.
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