President Hillary Clinton

deaflibrarian said:
Whether or not she still has sex with Billy Boy, she still is a pretty darned good politician.

I think the best ticket in 2008 would be Dole vs. Clinton, round 2. :thumb:
If you read "The Biggest Secret", you'll see why Hillary stayed with her husband. She needs him in order to progress herself in politics. When she becomes president, she might dump him or keep him to keep herself in office. ;)
I think Laura Bush vs. Hillary Clinton would be the most interesting election in U.S. history. It will be like a rerun of '93 except this time will be women. :eek2:
tekkmortal said:
I think Laura Bush vs. Hillary Clinton would be the most interesting election in U.S. history. It will be like a rerun of '93 except this time will be women. :eek2:
And... if either of them wins, it will make history! Err... herstory!
VamPyroX said:
And... if either of them wins, it will make history! Err... herstory!

I think it is time for a change for something different like more women and minorities in our government and corporations. :)
DeafSCUBA98 said:
she cannot.. because she isn't a family member of queen elizebeth.. its a family tradiation.. her younger son/daughter or grandkids.. will get the crown

Actually I can be a Queen of England, if I kill them all and conquer England.

But I won't do that. :-o
Reba said:
How would she know?

I don't think Chelsea was conceived in vitro...

Mary Bono once said something to the effect that she was impressed by Lewinsky's testimony that Clinton gave her three orgasms in a 40 minute period. Or something like that.

It wouldn't surprise me, I think we can all agree Bill has had plenty of practice.
deaflibrarian said:
Whoa, Ms. P. is a terrorist and made a threat against the royal family of England! Call the FBI and the MI5!

see what mean??? she support terrorism against US. Now she put terrorism against England! Mod should ban her for that for that terrorism comments like that. I dont support terrorism at all :squint:
I dont think miss p was talking about terrorism. You ever read the old days the battles england went though 1600s-1800s? Thats what she was talking about.
ravensteve1961 said:
I dont think miss p was talking about terrorism. You ever read the old days the battles england went though 1600s-1800s? Thats what she was talking about.

still doesnt matter....she didnt mentioned anything about 1600s-1800s.
ravensteve1961 said:
Wolf when is the last time people ever talked about conquer england?

Well Adolf Hitler always want to rule the world so he wanted to conquer England. But....he didnt win anyway cuz he killed himself. That was in 1940s.
Right many people talked about conquer england. Many attempts were on to conquer england. All of them failed.
I'm not making threat, Mods, Am I making threats? I shouldn't say stuff
like that here?
ravensteve1961 said:
I dont think miss p was talking about terrorism. You ever read the old days the battles england went though 1600s-1800s? Thats what she was talking about.

I am glad I wasn't Royal in those days,,, I would be scare to death.
Brothers killing Brothers to be King and stuff.