Yes it was accident but no we didn't use condom. He kept telling me that I won't get pregnant if sex then sperm out, not go in me..but I got pregnant huh. I told my mom he didn't even sperm in me. My mom said doesn't matter, still could get pregnant from per cum or something. I never knew but oh well. Next time I will use BC.
really? I couldn't eat toast at all. Most foods made me feel sick and feel like going to puke. I had hard time to find something to eat..My stomach wont accept most of foods now. :-( I really love hot wings!!! I am fine with hot wings. yay lol.
thanks, and about my baby's dad, he's really excited to be the father. He keep said can't wait for baby born. But for me, I am not ready :-(
1st kid, his father and i had a thing for 5 years, did sperm in me but i never get pregnant for 5 years, so we thought we wouldnt get pregnant ever. He thought his sperm was weak cuz he tried to get his other ex gf to get pregnant but keep failed and a girl kept got miscarriage from him. but then finally I got pregnant. Then from on I keep told my bf to not sperm in me cuz I am not ready for 2nd kid, but then i got pregnant again huh. Now this time, I will get BC after 2nd kid birth.
perhaps instead of BC, why not get your tubes tied ? I am not sure how you deleivered your first born, but if you happened to have C section the second time around, that is the best time to have it done. My wife had hers tied after the 3 child. We agreed that if she deleivered normally, I would get cut otherwise, its only 10 mins more of surgery time along with c-section for her.
Anyway- I hope things work out for you.
i rather any girls who are over LATE 30's or 40's to have their tube ties. over years, things do change between 20 years old to 40 years old.![]()
I agree , but men can have surgery too without the mothers enduring surgery. It's supposed to be more simple and faster for men to be snipped then tie ladies tubes. All I am saying, we all need to be more aware that if a lady goes under c section, the tube tying SHOULD be on their mind so they can decide if they want it done or not. Who wants men to unnessary have surgery if it can be avoided and insurance will cover it. When we had out first child with c section, no one mentioned tube tying. I wouldn't trade my children for anything int he world as I love all 3, but we didn't think about it till the third, when 2 is enough. NO regrets with the third child, but IMHO it should have been been mentioned to us the second time around and we could have the option. Thats the key here - having options. :P
Ahhh your so lucky. wow. I can't sleep much it was pain to sleep cuz of stomaches. Also, my son kept woke up really EARLY, even I put him sleep late but he still woke up earlyyy like 5am to 7am. I had to get up and watch him all the times. It getting worst for me being sick and stomaches more.
perhaps instead of BC, why not get your tubes tied ? I am not sure how you deleivered your first born, but if you happened to have C section the second time around, that is the best time to have it done. My wife had hers tied after the 3 child. We agreed that if she deleivered normally, I would get cut otherwise, its only 10 mins more of surgery time along with c-section for her.
Anyway- I hope things work out for you.