Wow, do enjoy read their post.
First Preg- been though terrible morning sickness for first 3 mos and half, after they gave me naseau medicine, it helps. 14 hours of labors. Weird thing, i have no pains for 11 hours til water broke beside I was one week and half late, they had put me induced. So i asked for ediurpal, since was PAINFUL! after that, ahhh. All the sudden, i'm 9cm, they were all ready for me to delievery, somehow, i'm back to 7cm
So, dr was puzzled, and said baby's head won't turn. (not beech) So had to through c-section. Very healthy boy, 7. 5 oz 21 inches. (well since you all mentions about scar) I was terrifed about that, but no scar here! surprise me
I'm 2nd preg right now (4 mos) due on Feb 12. Had barely sickness but CAUGHT flu virus
got me worse sick. so, put me naseau medicine again, no sickness again LOL. Hopefully gone natural birth which want have that experience. If not, i don't care as long baby is healthy!