Prefer corn, rice or popcorn cakes?


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Since Australia doesn't stock popcorn cakes so I had to order them from the US.

And found that I really like butter and white cheddar flavoured popcorn cake. I find that rice cake are uninspiring to my tastebuds and it doesn't satisfy my hunger.

So what do you like?
Those stuff taste bland!! I don't like the way it taste or the texture.
They just don't taste right and everything. Only ricecakes I can eat one or two at a long sitting are the chocolate chip or the carmel ones, sometimes the peanutbutter, but that one don't taste right to start with
If you add like jelly or peanutbutter on ricecakes, they taste a lot better, but then again, that defeats the reason why you eat them to start with.