Prayers needed...


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Apr 24, 2003
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I am trying to make this short and I am in hurry.. I just got home to take shower and make kids meals and spend time with kids and marshalee.. before I have to go back and spend other night with Allen.. (I cant leave Allen there alone.. got to go back)

Yesterday... Our son Allen- 3 years old.. was rushed in ER.. that his asthma attack went raged... The drs and nurses couldnt get medications work through him, because the allergy reaction that he ate chicken last night (Friday night).. which he is allergy to any nuts.. the chicken was frying by veg oil and peanut oil... he was pumping so much with.. aubterol and plumcerot and preszonie.. (sp?).. it caused his heart rage fast, they were montioring him for heart attack.. he was this little bit close.. so he is on oxygen since last night.. they are trying to get different medications.. they wont let him go home untill he is off with oxygen and right medciations that work with him.. maybe tuesday.. or wednesday..

Santa came visit today.. he had chatting with Allen for 20 mintues, asked him what he wanted for christmas... Allen said.. I dont want christmas, I want get myself better.. everyone try to hold tears.. its heartbreaking for me..

anyway.. all i ask for... prayers and your thoughts to get him better.. I mean.. find a way that medications work with him and get him better so he can come home with us.. we are hopless without him at home..

thanks so much.. huggs.
Hang in there, Doofmama!! You all are in my prayer. Give Allen my kisses and hugs for me..

Hang in there, and I will be thinking of you, MamaAnnie...
I am so sorry about what happened to your son. I also have a 3 year old child so I do understand about this difficult time that you are going through. I will pray for his speedy recovery and be back home with you all soon. Here is a hug for you :hug:
Whoa, I don't know much about medications but I already said a prayer after reading your post. I am a guy but I am sure the ladies will know something about medication or something along with prayers. I hope your prayers are answered and your son is back with you and your family for Christmas, and then throughout the new year of 2006 may bring healing , happiness and joy.

God Bless and I pray you will be able to say Merry Christmas too :)
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your son, Allen. I will pray for him to have his speedy recovery and be back home with you all soon.
Aw I'm sorry to hear about your son, I'll keep him in my prayer...Please do keep us update.... :hug:
oh my! i pray for him and get him well soon before christmas coming so he can spend with family!

DoofusMama, You said ....

Yesterday... Our son Allen- 3 years old.. was rushed in ER.. that his asthma attack went raged... The drs and nurses couldnt get medications work through him, because the allergy reaction that he ate chicken last night (Friday night).. which he is allergy to any nuts.. the chicken was frying by veg oil and peanut oil


Whoa I went back and re-read.... your son ate chicken? ....It might not be the allegric reaction.

You should ask the doctor to check for the H5N1 Virus ( Bird Flu Virus ) See website link from Center for Dieases Control.

The White House just had an emergency meeting on this a couple of days ago I think yesterday or 2 days ago????? Ask your doctor just to be sure !!!!!
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awwww i'll pray for you.. i have 3 year old myself too but i'll pray for your son to get well and be there for christmas!!! HUGS HUGS
Awwwwwwww I am sorry to hear that but I will be praying for his return to health and back home to the family for xmas. I know it is hard to leave the love one in the hospital.

Heath- Most ppl are allergery to peanut but thanks god my son dont eat those cuz he hated it. :D
Awww, I am so sad to read this. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Pomeranian said:
Awwwwwwww I am sorry to hear that but I will be praying for his return to health and back home to the family for xmas. I know it is hard to leave the love one in the hospital.

Heath- Most ppl are allergery to peanut but thanks god my son dont eat those cuz he hated it. :D

Yes, The White House had a meeting on this H5N1 Bird Avian Flu a couple days ago and it was on the t.v. news CNN , FOX news etc. I would cover all the bases and any angles or leads just to be sure.

Just keep in mind when your son gets older and what if he started to eat peanut butter again then wham ..... he is in the emergency room with peanut butter allergy. I hope not but that is something you have to keep in mind....

kids will be kids what if he does not know what Reese chocolate cups are??? and at school the kids share one with him then they get scared and do not want to be punished by angry and upset school teachers who obivously meant well with worry on their minds... and they are faced with one angry prinicpal that he wants to know the facts of what happened ??? so that is something else to think about. I don't want you to be sick with worry but be realistic that is all.... Just to be sure .... always cover all the bases when he is sick at school, simple sick? allergy ? something wrong? You have to plan ahead so that you have a good plan in mind.
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Oh dear! I hope Allen will make a speedy recovery.
Hope the doctors will find an effective medication to combat his problem.
My heart goes out for your son's condtion... I pray for your son's health return back normal and hope someone who will help you best medcation solved for your son's health prior..

I believe possible it's PEANUT any kinds peanut oil fried on the chicken which asborbs it..
Hopefully find the solution will come finishes...
Look forward your son's health and will come change improved better.
aww that brought tears to my eyes when he said he just want to get better than wanting anything for Christmas! Bless his heart! I'm praying for your son and family! Hope he'll make a speedy recovery very soon!
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayer. Stay with your son and comfort him. He may need you more than anythin'. :hug:
mama annie ALL my love to you gurl im sorry i wasn't on much as i have been busy with work and things ard the house but i can tell u this he's in my prayers love ya mama keep us updated when you can! ((((((((((MAMA)))))))))))))))