I'm not even sure where to start with this post LOL. Everyones posts here have left me absolutely speechless and I've tried writing a 'Thank You' post several times but have never been able to find the words to express the feelings I have over the many posts in this thread. I'd start typing and nothing ever sounded like it said enough.
In the hospital, it was lights out for awhile. When I woke up, I found that a fellow officer had printed the posts from this thread and hung them up on the wall of my room. I cannot even put into words what I felt while reading those (yes ladies...some men do cry although its hard to admit

Unfortunately, when I woke up I did not have any computer access and relied on friends to pass messages back and forth (Big Thanks and Hugs to K-9 Cop for taking care of all of that).
I cannot say enough how overcome I was with emotion when I read the posts from this thread. What was just as touching is that some of the posts in this thread are from people who disagreed with me greatly and I thought they had ill will towards me. That showed that even those of us who disagree on things can still be friends.
I wish there was a way to repay the thoughts and prayers from everyone. Again, I cannot even find the right words to explain how I felt then and how I feel now. Please know that the support from everyone here made a HUGE difference in my recovery and getting fully back on my feet. In my eyes, the folks of AD stepped up to help me in a great time of need. I want to say Thank You to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, cards, and even phone calls. I'm lucky to have been a part of AD and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how grateful I am.