Prayers needed for PL's friend

i am so sorry to hear that i will pray for u
*goosebumps* that was pretty quick...

My condolence goes to you PL and her family.
yes, it was very quick. My friend found out she had cancer only about one month ago. It was very aggresive cancer that had spread fast to other areas. I agree with you Reba that the farewell is a temporary one for believers. Smiling!!Her body died, but her spirit lives for eternity.
I am sorry!

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I will continue to be in prayer for you during your grief.

Peachy Lady said:
yes, it was very quick. My friend found out she had cancer only about one month ago. It was very aggresive cancer that had spread fast to other areas. I agree with you Reba that the farewell is a temporary one for believers. Smiling!!Her body died, but her spirit lives for eternity.

yea i can relate that because my aunt pat died right after she found out she had cancer within 2 months.
Awww Peachlady, :hug:

To be honest here, It was the sadness thread I've read here in AllDeaf, It was one emotion one expectly when you said that you visited her and wrote her a long letter before her time. My prayers and thoughts are with you sweetie while you're grieving. :hug: :ily:

I remembered my son's grandmother died from cancer too, and it was pretty quick also, she didn't want to fight the cancer, she says if it is meant to be for her, let it be. It was very hard watching her suffering, and knowing that she will be going to heaven soon, by that weekend she passed on. We all left photos of all her grandchildren with her to be buried with, because of that is what she wanted. I always remember how happy she recovered that she has a grandson that she always wanted, after all she has 8 granddaughters. Even through my son Markus doesn't really know her too well because she passed on right after he became a year and half old.

I know how you are feeling Lisa and I wish I could just give you a long tight hug personally. Just like you said her body died, but her spirit lives for eternity and you're right about that. :hug: Love ya sis.

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