I don't believe in supernatural Benny Hinn faith healing, but prayer DOES help. My first girlfriend prayed for me when I had my ear surgery. Guess what? Not only did my hearing improve in my ear that had the surgery, it improved in the ear that DIDN"T have the surgery!
That's because you THINK it has to be prayer. There are people who claim to see again or hear again or act differently after having surgeries that are not related to their handicaps or problems. It's not unusual for a surgery to cause weird side effects - it's well documented and prayer has nothing to do with it. If I say, "I prayed that you'd get dizzy" and you get dizzy, does that mean my prayer works? Nope. It's just that you are CREDITING your improved hearing to prayer but you WOULD STILL be able to hear even if you were NOT being prayed upon.