Pray for my son

I got teary when I read your update. I know it is so hard on you. I also had a depression when my preemie was in the NCIU. I wish I was there to give you a comforting hug. You and your son are still in my thoughts and prayers :hug:
I am just now seeing your post. I am a mom to a 25 week preemie. She was only 15 ounces. She was on the vent for 2 and 1/2 months. The hardest thing a parent has to go through is to watch your child go through so much. You have to trust in God and have faith in the doctors and nurses that care for your little angel. I went through 4 1/2 months of my little girl in the NICU. She is now 2 and doing very well. I know exactly how you feel. One day my daughter was doing better and an hour later I was getting a call that she had a set back. It can be the scariest and most frustrating roller coaster ride of your life. I will keep your son in my prayers. It works. My daughter is living proof. She was not supposed to make it past 48 hours. Babies are tough. If you ever need to talk feel free to message me.

Well, Luke has been at Hopkins for 2 weeks now. They have completed their tests and him and guess what, no diagnosis. Unbelievable. He pulled his vent tube out last night and they were going to leave it out to see what would happen but he didn't do well so they put it back in. Ugghhh!!!

We just have to keep waiting to see how it goes. Hopefully, he'll improve and we can move on. No baby for Christmas though.

On the bright side my business is picking up so we are looking better financially, thank GOD! It's been rough with money lately so it's nice to have something working out for a change.

I will continue to keep you all updated on my little guy. Happy Holidays.
Thanks for the update.

We'll keep praying. :hug:
My prayers are out for you and your baby. Keep your Faith and stay strong...My daughter was a three pounds premee also and she didn't come home Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. I know how that feels, I never stop seeing her everyday, I pray and kept my Faith and kept believin' my daughter will make it and be home. She lost weighed twice down to two pounds and near death, very scary...she was suposed to have an operation bec she had a hole in her intestine, but it was a miracle that it was heal itself and she doesn't need one. She gained weigh rapidly and ready be home in no time. KEEP PRAYING DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! Be there for your son no matter what, he needs to hear your voice and know you are there with him. God Bless you...
Bummer! I was hoping they'd find something.
Maybe Luke's brain's making him think he needs the ventilator?

Well the doctors think he has hyperekplexia which is basically an exaggerated startle reflex that causes his muscles including his diaphram(sp?) to become stiff so he can't breathe properly. He has begun treatment for it so hopefully it will work. If it doesn't, they will perform a tracheotomy and put a stable airway in his throat. I hope that doesn't happen so let's keep our fingers crossed. He will be 9 weeks old on Wednesday. He is no longer a preemie as he is now 2 weeks past my due date.

Thanks for the prayers guys!
I hope he does well with the treatments i pray everything goes well and works and he can be just a happy normal baby
Thanks for the update. I hope all goes well with his current treatment.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Thanks for the update. :hug:
Good to hear that the Doctors has finally put a name to his condition. Hopefully treatments will help cure this and then you can bring him home at last.

Hang in there.. :)
You and your son are in my thoughts. I hope 2008 becomes your blessing and your gray clouds resume their silver linings!
Thank you for the update. I will continue to keep in prayers. I hope the treatment is working!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! i didnt see this till so sorry to hear
about your precious little baby!
So how is he doing so far? Please let us know how he is doing now.
I will pray for him!!
God bless him and your family!
yeah... i am waiting for updates about that baby...I hope he is alright...
Oh my gosh, I'm truly sorry about your son's health condition. you're my prayer rest of each the days... To pull your son's health back normal.. real soon recovery..

Keep update w/us... Thanks for sharing your story about your son's condition.
It is April now, I hope your baby is back home with you and doing great. Let us know how he is doing. ;)
Saw her post at other thread as of this morning date and mentioned very little update of her son at the last paragraph...

To the other All-Deaf people who know me from before, my son is still in the hospital but doing better. He is 5 months old now. I have continued to teach ASL at a local school and grow my business. Thanks for your prayers. Every prayer helps.

Hopefully she will get back to this thread to give us more updates. - View Single Post - What goes into a good deaf website?

It is April now, I hope your baby is back home with you and doing great. Let us know how he is doing. ;)