Pray for my Grandma


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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She has angina. We just found out that she has blockages in two arteorties.
95% in one and 73% in the other. She infact may need heart surgery. I am going to talk to my cardiologst. I trust him with my own life.

Anyhow let's pray she will get the Drs needed, and whatever needs to be done gets done and she comes out great.

Hugs, R
I will keep her in my thoughts and my prayers and hope she will get well soon! :)
I am sorry to hear that. I hope that your grandma will be okay.
Sorry about your grandma and I hope she will make a speedy recovery to get back to good health again.
I'll pray for your grandma, and hope her recovery goes well.
Thoughts and prayers will indeed be upon your grandma and family as well as for any doctor/surgeon--Hold fast to your faith and hopefully your grandma will make it through this difficult time...hang in there.

Will make this thread 'sticky' for the time being--

Praying for your grandmother and on way recovery!
Hope things are going well with your grandmother, Raingurl.
sorry heard abt ur grandma but i will pray for you smile and hope everythings will ok for ur grandma so hang in there
I hope all goes well with your Grandma and her heart. It's amazing how far cardiothoracic technology has come.