Potentially big snowstorm to hit Chicago next week

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For Mark to joke with us, he has to "get" the joke in the first place. Jiro, it's like you're trying to play catch with a guy with no arms.

His arms are only a foot long so he probably wouldn't catch it anyway ;)
A lot. One of the things I saw was a bad joke gone wrong. I learned a lot from that one.

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I thought you were actor so what's up?

Hello ncff07, I need more information about Mark. :ty:
Sorry. Not happening. I'm bringing up the article for posting right now on my laptop.

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Where is your respect to your father?

Keep it up dude I'll send the entire insane asylum from Chicago to your front door wearing nothing but thongs and a smile :P :laugh2:

I will put insane patients in state prison. :lol:
All of the violent stuff I saw was before 2007, so I don't remember the details now, but let me tell you this-- you do NOT want to witness someone off someone else, cause it's not pleasant, and not only that, those who were at war and witness a killing in their hometown, especially one with PTSD and possibly other stuff might trigger bad stuff in that person. Now, I don't condone killings, but even if I could remember the details, they're too gruesome for here, and not for anyone's eyes but my own.

Thanks for breaking it down for us "retarded" people who can't understand... :roll: Who in the hell doesn't know seeing someone be killed isn't pleasant!? :roll: Seriously.... Who the hell is like "seeing someone killed is a good time!" Pretty sure most people are also aware any traumatic experience can result in PTSD.

I'm just throwing it out there that I've seen so many lies you've posted in the past, I simply can't believe you've witnessed something such as this... being your previous "resuscitating someone" and then it wasn't you stories ect ect and all the other things. How you're wording this, I simply can't see it... just can't. People who have seen things like this don't bring it up most of the time. However, this was also in no way related to the topic or joke, you just threw it out there about seeing someone killed... so again, I can't fall into this, I can't.
Thread closed per OP's request. :locked:
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