Post your gas prices

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In Iowa, yesterday it had gone up to $1.84. Today back down to $1.82.
Yes, but it did go down to $1.77 here and I am sad it went back up a little.
The gas prices hasn't gone up yet...still going down, weird.
It's going down SLOW. I amsure you it will go up again after Obama is President.

yeah, on average around January (on the historical stats) they usually start going up.
look like.. let see! i hope it keep going down until middle of Dec.. then it stop .. then steady until march .. back normal cycle like march up until sept down.. something like that..
The gas here is at $1.82 :applause:

I hope it does keep lowering down though but then, again, you never know if it will hike up someday. :dunno:
I wonder why WV is so high? everyone is getting better prices but me :(
The gas is $1.22 per litre, it is going down more.
:rl: :madfawk:

i hate you all, i still stuck with 2 bucks with something cents in my local!!
When I went out this morning it drop to $2.35 :shock:
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