Post your favorite quote

Originally posted by Emeraldie
"Deafness is a way of life. Those people live as themselves regardless of their handicap. They never let the deafness get in their way to enjoy their own life."

I like it! Who was it by?
I love all the quotes but I will tell u few quotes. :D

~How we do admire the wisdom of those who come to us for advice.~

~Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest. - Shakespeare ~

~Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. - James A. Froude ~
heh, my absolute favourite is "Life is what happens while you're making other plans" - the title of a book, I forgot the author's name.

My own personal quote is "There's a reason for everything". There's countless quotes from books I like, such as "If music be the food of love, then give me in excess of it" Twelfth Night, Shakespeare. I'll post more of my favourite ones as soon as I remember them hehe!
whether you do like that person or not, " Kill them with Kindess"

yeppie.. That is my motto.. :D
"Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise
-what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be,
it would.
You see?"
- Alice in Wonderland.
"Strange times are these in which we live
when old and young are taught in falsehoods school.

And the one man that dares to tell the truth
is called at once a lunatic and fool"

-- Plato.
"it's who you love that makes who you are, not who loves you. i decided that a long time ago."
- donald to charles, in the movie 'adaption'

//-» "some people are simply beautiful, while others are interesting and complicated. i'm simply complicated."

//-» "Marcus, I have noticed something about you. Whenever you kissed me, you nevr closed your eyes. Now I know why."
He remained silent, sullen in the face of her attack.
"Because you were wondering if something better might be walking past."
-Cleopatra to Mark Antony, "When We Were Gods" by Colin Falconer

//-» "Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive."

//-» "...attributed to the fact that [she] was a three-time loser in love to a flighty mortality and a loose set of values."
-p.146, "Midwives", by Chris Bohjalian

//-» standing in the shadows
with my heart right in my hand,
removed from all the people
who could never understand

i was a pilgrim for your love,
a pilgrim for your love,
a pilgrim for your love,
i was a pilgrim for your love.
-Lyrics, "Pilgrim" by Eric Clapton and Simon Climie
Smile ... it makes people wonder what u are up to! :)

Smile ... it makes people wonder what u are thinking about! :)
"Education is the ability to listen almost to anything by not losing your temper and self-confidences."
-Vincent Van Gough
"Don't mess with the the only one Leviathan or you will feel the wrath of Leviathan's true power."

"Anything impossible becomes possible."

"Never give up until you succeed to get what you need."
IRISH pRiDe iS oN mY MiNd ~
IRISH BLoOd iS iN mY KiNd ~
So sTeP aSiDe aNd LeT mE tHrOuGh ~
BeCuZ iTs ALL aBoUt ThE iRiSh CrEw ! ~
IRISH RuLeZ!!! ~
A TrUe FrIeNd iS oNe WhO
KnOwS yOu As YoU rEaLLy aRe,
UnDeRsTaNdS wHeRe YoU'vE bEeN,
AcCpEtS wHo YoU'vE bEcOmEs,
AnD sTiLL gEnLtY iNvItEs YoU tO gRoW! :)
other quotes i also like as they have been proven accurate in this philosophy:

Because hypocrisy stinks in the nostrils one is likely to rate it as a more powerful agent for destruction than it is.
~Rebecca West (1892–1983), British author

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), Dialogues, Phaedo

i frequent and another quotation website i at this moment cannot remmy :|
"you will always get what you have always gotten,
if you always do what you have always done."


"your perception may not be my reality":D