here is a proof that i am INDEED TAKEN! :P
these were taken at the taste of chicago on july 3rd.. the first one- in front of the buckingham fountain and the other one (it is blurry cuz we asked a woman who sat next to us to snap a pic of us and she didn't do a good job- oh well!) we got front row seating right on the shoreline (edge) of lake michigan waiting for the fireworks! over 3 million people were there... we had a blast although it was hot n humid that day!
then after the fireworks... we walked for about
4 miles along the shoreline to avoid the crowds going to the el train/buses

then took the bus home cuz it started to rain/thundering/lightening

... it was awesome and worthwhile but very tiring!
we vowed to do it again hopefully in august and complete the whole shoreline if possible!