Possible Obama Assasination attempt foiled

I got know from one of my co-worker who had been raised in 1950's and 1960's, I'm not very familiar with JFK situation at this time, even I don't born in mid 20th century.

Found this link, it could be but only problem is lacks of investigate to make true or not.
Rakemucker: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a White Supremacist?

As I thought. Nothing to support it.
and....? :dunno: Do you mean to tell me that he intends to get caught?

???? wow.... are you really that dense? Where in the god's name did that come from???? Didn't you see the LIST? McVeigh + those 2 supremacists = caught by simple traffic violations. Need more hint? I think you should just.... SSSSSHHHHHHH. It's turning into a sour grape.

What I am telling you, and this comes from the statements made from McVeigh himself, is that being caught was not as much of a issue for him as you are assuming, as in the act of being caught, impact was added to the statement he was making through his actions. Take a deep breath, and think real hard, jiro.

Your superficial connection is the point. The two are unrelated.
nope! not verified!

in other word - the authorities have been unable to establish the connection. I guess time will tell. I'm sure big news stations know this and are continually to find out full information

Get your head out of the sand before you suffocate. I suspect that you are already suffering from oxygen deprivation.
because like you said - "... they aren't intelligent enough to actually get away with it." EPIC FAIL for them to think they're not gonna get caught... hence "all plots always ended with a simple traffic violation." I guess you're not so intelligent now this time.... :roll:

i dont think you understand. McVeigh WANTED to get caught. He was willing to be a martyr.
What I am telling you, and this comes from the statements made from McVeigh himself, is that being caught was not as much of a issue for him as you are assuming, as in the act of being caught, impact was added to the statement he was making through his actions. Take a deep breath, and think real hard, jiro.

Your superficial connection is the point. The two are unrelated.

i dont think you understand. McVeigh WANTED to get caught. He was willing to be a martyr.

WOW Jillio - you could have saved yourself a trouble by simply telling me that in the first place instead of belittling, etc! Talk about some maturity... which you clearly lacked.
Obama Under Fire? - TMZ.com

More information will come soon. I couldn't find any other links.

Good thing they were stopped. I'm getting sick of the hateful narrative that our right-wing is pushing against Obama. It's making me people snap like this. :mad:
right hates left and left hates right... the smearing continues as it does during each election. I wouldn't blame that on the actions of these individuals. They probably have nothing to do with each other. Racists are racists no matter what the right or left wing are doing.
WOW Jillio - you could have saved yourself a trouble by simply telling me that in the first place instead of belittling, etc! Talk about some maturity... which you clearly lacked.

Guess I was wrong to think that you would have the intelligence to understand it from the numerous times it was said.:dunno:
Even if it isn't what authorities think it is, at least they were able to stop the men regardless.
He/She said that he/she saw this coming which implies that he/she knew that Obama would face death threat.

To me, and I don't know him from Adam, I believe he meant that he saw all the bickering here coming. After all, he said he moderates at some other forums, right?
Whoa, you missed my post below, I said it could be but not official approve.

Sorry about misunderstood for calling at first place.

A hate group did not kill JFK.

It was either Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone, or the CIA. Or Castro. Or organized crime. Or LBJ.

Who frickin knows anymore?
A hate group did not kill JFK.

It was either Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone, or the CIA. Or Castro. Or organized crime. Or LBJ.

Who frickin knows anymore?

pst. it's definitely CIA :cool2: