Possible move...


Active Member
Mar 2, 2005
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Gophers.... I gotta make an announcement... I was just informed that there is a offer for this farm.. and it might be enough for me to pack up and move for good.. the buyers want to have possession by April 1, 2008 or earlier if they can sell their place faster enough... so it looks like my days here at the farm now is numbered.... oh boy... wow I am still speechless but excited.. and also thinking now to get off my bum to hunt for jobs and places to live in and more... but all this could collaspe if the buyers back out.. which I hope not... will have to wait and see... if it is finally solid then I will announce later on for sure I am moving.. ...

I am sure this farm will be in good hands with the new owners and more.. and I also am sure it will be hard to leave this wonderful farm after so many years taking care of my ailing parents and then having to live by myself after my parents passed on earlier this year...
That's good news to hear. Make sure you're happy what they are offering you for your farm. Also you may need to see an attorney to be safe for doing paper work between you and the buyer(s) such as agreement documents with signatures between you two. Good Luck!!!
Ah, I hope things are going smoothly with you during this process. If everything works out well, it will be exciting for you to start a new life on your own but on the other hand, it's understandable that you might be facing with the realization you're leaving the only home you ever knew.

But, you know what, if the buy is successful - the farm will always still be in your heart and in your memory. That is something you can grow on to. ;)

I wish the best for you.
Wow, NS. Congratulation, But I believe you will always tresure the years you spend on the farm and taking care of your folks and the life you done on the farm will be hard for you to let go. But on the bright side, you are ready for a new life and moving some where exciting can make your life more interesting. I hope it works out for you and with lots of luck and be safe.
NS, after the farm is sold, you can buy a house that you like to live in. Life always changes and I wish you blessings in starting new chapter in your life. I understand that it is hard to leave the farm as it carries so many memories.
NS, I am really excited for you to get an offer and now you can move on to bigger and better dreams that will come your way. I do understand at the same time its going to be difficult leaving the farm after, so many years its been in your family. I know you will always cherish the farm in your heart, mind and soul, a home that is never to be forgotten about. Let's wait and see how the prospective buyers work out if they do indeed get to be new owners of the precious farm :)
wow NS that is big challange for you to lead your life but hold on with your parents memories
good luck finding jobs and place to live smile HUGS
Aw, NS I wish you all the best, hope you find what you're looking for.
Ah, Sharky that would be a big change for ya and I'm sure the new owner will look after the farm very well... you should always keep your memories of the farm and parents with you.

I wish ya the best and good luck for finding jobs and new place for yourself.

Good Luck Sharky. :)
Sharky, I wish you the best man, take it easy and take one step at a time when you pack up and move :)
:fingersx: I hope the people buy the farm and then have it in good hands. You must have a hard time without your parents. Maybe the farm sale is a great new start. :h5: :fingersx:
This is the moment you've been waiting for, anxiously hoping for...now, just hope that it all goes through and then you're able to move on and find your 'place' where you can add a whole new chapter for your life buddy. Perhaps, considering a move down to the states might be a good option, however, if you prefer to be near where your other siblings are, then that's good too, but...isn't there possibility of a gal in the states that's swooning o'er ya? In regards to that...I'll just :-X for now. Anyhow, congrats and wish you the best that everything works out nicely and smoothly! ;)

Keep Memories love of Parent and Farm. Hope everything / realty smooth to giving a farm key away......

Good luck new life ahead of you! :grouphug:
Wow, Must gonna be hard to leave behind the memories at the farm with your parents, but you got the memories of your family in your heart. ;) Whatever path you take, I hope it'll be a great journey for you a new life, a begin of your journey. ;)

You know you can always drive by the farm again years ahead, like I do, my grandma and grandpa's house still the same. It makes me cry every time I drive by that house, A lot of good memories there. ;) It makes me think of Grandpa more, he passed away when he was 61. :(
Yep... ahh it will be a few wild last months here on the farm... gotta work on some packing and etc...my 3rd brother's wife did suggest to me after Ukrainan Xmas is over I should start packing my stuff that I wanna put in so it would be easier on the day of moving that all will be ready and moved... I thought ahh good idea...also will do some work to put some stuff away that I dont need (or use a lot) for that matter and be sure everything will be ready to be moved...

Yeah it gonna be hard to leave this farm for good... I hope to find a nice place, in my case an apartment instead of a small house as I orignally wanted but due to reasons like house maintance and other that might be too expensive for me to pay alone, so I can start my new life comfortable... in a few years if I do meet and fall in love with a gal, then that house would come into play... I have had a offer from my 3rd bro and his wife for me to stay with them while I work and etc.. I have to be leery as I used to be roommates with them in the big city back in 1995 (before they were married) and I have seen the stuff that went on and I dont need the stress and aggravation of that, so I will have to find a place fast and be able to stay there...

One day in the summer I will drive by the farm and etc... hopefully the farm is good and active as it once was for many years.... sure it will hurt for me to see the farm but I know I have done well on the farm and etc...
Congrats and hope all goes smoothly for u with the sale. Yea, it seems like a bittersweet moment. Good luck!
Best wishes to you on the new changes, etc, NS. Btw, what is different from the "Ukranian Christmas" you mentioned?
Tousi... Ukriainian Christmas is celebrated on the Julian calender and we do have Ukriainan XMas eve on Jan 6 and Ukrianian Xmas on Jan 7th as is in years past... food and etc are a bit different but some remain the same...
You'll be deserved a great fresh journey starting as day one soon. A begin of your NEW CHAPTERfor your first step incoming up way. You'll be fine and will be always treasured stored history in your head where you used to be lived in a farm. Of course isn't easy to leaving the farm home because used to be stored in your great memories of childhood raised live on the farmhouse.

Aww.. r u saying about "Ukrainian Christmas" awww.. Melts my heart goes out for this Ukrainian foods of Christmas... Tasty so rich and delicious! I cannot wait look forward this one on Jan 6th as same day of my b-day.. (chuckles)