Positive over deafness


I respect your decision not to get a CI 100%. What I think is hypocritical is when *some* Deaf people think they can tell others (D/deaf adults or parents of deaf children) what kinds of decisions they should make in regards to communication (sign/oral/TC/HA/CI). If I respect a Deaf person's right (and choice) to be Deaf, why can't they respect my right/choice to have CIs?

Why dont you go join hearing world after you have C.I ? That is whole point of having CI is be able to "function" in hearing world, isn't it?
I grew up in both Worlds... most of hearies kept telling me that i was lucky not able to hear lots of stuffs like arguements.. fights .. etc.... foul langauges.. but hearies did not realize deafies does say foul langauges in sign langauges...
Really, SxyPorkie? Interesting. When I lived in Virginia so many hearing wanted to know the bad words in sign that it became a big joke in the Deaf community there.
Why dont you go join hearing world after you have C.I ? That is whole point of having CI is be able to "function" in hearing world, isn't it?

Good question. I may lose my job as a deaf ed teacher within 5 years if the enrollment numbers go too low (so far it is not happening yet) and I will be forced to work with hearing people again. I refuse to get a low level job and I will do whatever it takes in my power to get a high powered job with a good salary so if a CI will help me accomplish that I may resort to getting one. I really hope I wont have to but like u asked...a CI is a tool to "function" in the hearing world.
Why dont you go join hearing world after you have C.I ? That is whole point of having CI is be able to "function" in hearing world, isn't it?

You never really answered Hear Again's question. Your retort or "brush off" about having her join the hearing world was just avoiding the whole issue.

FYI - She is a part of the hearing world and the CI does allow her to continue to do that. By the same token, she participates with other folks who are HOH and deaf and thus she has not turned her back on the deaf.

There should be acceptance either way a deaf person chooses to live their life. It should be about celebrating the differences in people not trying to "force" people to live this way or that way. If everybody were the same, the world would be a very boring place indeed. There are some deaf able to be a part of the hearing world easily (of which I'm one). That shouldn't condemn us as being traitors or whatever one wants to label us.

Getting back to the topic at hand, the real question should be "Do you accept your deaf heritage/background/fate and all that it entails?" If so, then it should be the end of discussion regardless of all the other "stuff". If not, then one has issues to deal with and go about resolving them.

For me personally, I know and accept that I'm a 'tweener no matter how I live in the world. In other words, I'm deaf and I have moved on in life and found my niche. I'm happy and have a productive life. What more more do I need?

Most of them are true but what about sleeping during when burglary break in? Or murderer kill you in the sleep? They are probably most problems for the deaf people during sleeping if they are alone in the house or heartless neighbors don't care. No offense, tho.
Most of them are true but what about sleeping during when burglary break in? Or murderer kill you in the sleep? They are probably most problems for the deaf people during sleeping if they are alone in the house or heartless neighbors don't care. No offense, tho.

No offense but a good question.

That's why there are alarms with strobing lights. If the deaf person doesnt get them, then they didnt take all the necessary measures to protect themselves. Same goes for hearing people who dont lock doors at night or get security systems for their houses.

Anyways, I dont recall that being a serious problem with deaf people. It seems more of a problem with hearing people like in the case of Elizabeth Smart who got kidnapped from her own bedroom while everyone was sleeping.
Most of them are true but what about sleeping during when burglary break in? Or murderer kill you in the sleep? They are probably most problems for the deaf people during sleeping if they are alone in the house or heartless neighbors don't care. No offense, tho.

Many hearing can't hear during their sleep as well.

I have cats who sleep with us everyday... They jumped to wake us up when they heard something... ahhh my son's go bathroom...