Well I've had mine on for about 6 week now. Never had the popping sounds in either ear. My CI is in the right ear and left has ha. My first activation appointment was two hours and when done I could hear sounds but not really identify at first. In fact I was afraid it was not going to work at all because I did not hear a thing for about 5 min. or more. Now thing she was just being cautious not to get to loud. Anyway second mapping was a week later and then a week after that. Was supposed to have about 6 at one week intervals but ended up with three then went to two weeks for one and now on a month schedule I guess. At first sounds in CI seemed way off on the right and about three feet from me. That has gradually changed so that now most seems to be in head where it should be. Comprehension has gone up considerably with CI. While I'm sure I'm still lip reading I can now go to meetings and get 80 to 90 % of what is being discussed. Seems to be getting better each day and have had a couple of phone calls that I did quite well with. At least in my opinion. Yes, voices sound different than I remember them but at least I can tell what they are saying. I'm finding that I can watch TV some and get a lot of what is being said there so I'm not complaining. Just very glad I was able to get the CI. Hope you have as good or better experience as I've had. We are all different. I did have masking noise and still do but not as bad, sounds like breeze blowing across open mic.