Now, using the word "brainwashing" is a being a bit paranoid. "OMG! They're brainwashing my kids! Ahh!" Seriously, they could even remove the kid from the classroom. Think about it, if we made everyone do what everyone else wanted to do... then we've got problems. It's like here in AllDeaf. If we followed every member's request for something, AllDeaf wouldn't be a friendly place to live. If you see a thread you don't like... and ONLY you don't like, it doesn't mean that us moderators have to remove the thread... you can simply not visit the thread again. What if it was a thread that 50 other members like and you don't like. If we remove it because you don't like it, how's that gonna make the other 50 members feel? That could apply to the school. Remove the kid from the classroom. I'm sure they have a "time-out" room or could make one. Those "time-out" rooms could come in handy for a lot of things.