poll on education choices


Active Member
Apr 6, 2009
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What education placement was choosen for you?

Or did you pick for kids?

If you homeschool/correspondece school your kids are they hearing or Deaf?

Why did you choose homeschooling?

Why did you pick mainstream?

Why did you pick Deaf school?
i was mainstreamed (parents' choice), but i was given the option of going to FSDB when i was in middle school.. i said no because i was used to being mainstreamed and i didn't want to leave my friends behind. :aw:
Please keep in mind to the OP that some of your questions you ask are very personal.

Some questions/answers are better left unanswered.

I would not ask a parent why they mainstreamed/home-schooled or placed their children in a Deaf classroom because that's their decision.
Mine wasn't my parents' choice.

I was mostly mainstream, but only because my parents were low-income.

Am I bitter about the concept of mainstream? Not really. I had good years and bad years.
Please keep in mind to the OP that some of your questions you ask are very personal.

Some questions/answers are better left unanswered.

I would not ask a parent why they mainstreamed/home-schooled or placed their children in a Deaf classroom because that's their decision.

sorry dont mean to hurt anyone by asking this
i really wanted to no if im doing the right thing by homeschooling myself and furture kids.

and if anyone else was homeschooling their deaf kids.
Oh you're doing the right thing by self educating yourself. It's not exactly homeschooling you're doing. More like still learning..............
as for homeschooling dhh kids......that's tricky. My best friend was homeschooled and is one of the smartest people I know................but I also think that homeschooling kids can cause them to fall through the cracks even more then a mainstreamed kid..........especially since most of the time the mom/parent doesn't have the qualifications to teach dhh kids.
It could work thou, like in the example of a dhh kid who only needs minimal assistance from a visiting TOD
TOD dont come to homeschoolers/correspondence school students in new zealand nor AODC and no hearing aids ethier from the state and no support from local/island wide deaf school.
What Education Services are Available for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children?

This fact sheet discusses terms used for those who are hearing impaired and Deaf. It also describes services for Deaf and hearing impaired children and young people in early childhood education centres, schools, and Deaf Education Centres. Contact details to get more detailed information are listed at the end of the fact sheet.

Definition of terms
Deaf (capital "D") students typically use New Zealand Sign Language as their means of communication. They identify with Deaf Culture and are part of the Deaf community.

Hearing impaired students have hearing outside the normal range. These students may use sign language.

Deaf and hearing impaired children in schools and early childhood education centres

Most Deaf and hearing impaired students are in regular early childhood education centres and local schools. There are support services and equipment available to help these students access the curriculum.

The Ministry of Education, Special Education (GSE) employs Advisers on Deaf Children to help families understand their child's hearing loss and to guide parents as they consider the technology and communication options available. Advisors on Deaf Children also provide assessments and information about a child's development and behaviour to other professionals working with the family. Advisors on Deaf children work closely with teachers from the two Deaf Education Centres

Deaf Education Centres
There are two Deaf Education Centres in New Zealand that provide services specifically for Deaf and hearing impaired students. They are Kelston (which takes students from the Upper North Island) and van Asch (which takes students from the rest of New Zealand). Contact details for both schools are listed below. These centres provide services, such as:

•regional teaching through itinerating Teachers of the Deaf to support students in regular settings
•audio logical assessment and the fitting, repair and maintenance of assistive listening devices
•residential schooling where a student's Individual Education Plan identifies this as the best option
•equipment such as telephone devices for the Deaf and hearing aid services are also available. Teachers and some other staff in the Deaf Education Centres use sign language.


The process is for the provision of Disability Support Services assistance for children requiring a hearing aid(s) as assessed by an Audiologist. The Audiologist then submits the application for funding approval to Deaf Education Centres; Kelston and Van Asch.

The educational Audiologists from the New Zealand Deaf Education Centres will approve all hearing aids, which are funded by the service. These applications are forwarded to Enable New Zealand by the Deaf Education Centres.

Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to access this service Children who require personal hearing aid systems and:

Are NZ citizens or permanent residents and residing in New Zealand
Are under the age of 21
Are either pre- schoolers or in full time school or tertiary education*
Have a confirmed permanent hearing loss that requires hearing aids for effective habilitation/rehabilitation and who's fitting has been carried out via the established processes of the service.
*full time education means attending a registered institution for no less than 20 hours per week over a 12 month period.
People who do not meet the criteria as defined above
People entitled to services under the Accident Insurance Act 1998
Service Entry
Entry to the service shall be determined by:

Children's Hearing Aid Service
The eligible child having an approved and finalised application for hearing aids.

The application for the hearing aids must have been completed by an audiologist who is a registered member with the service and who has signed up to the terms and conditions of the service.

The subsequent fitting of the hearing aids must be done by an audiologist who is a registered member with the service and who has signed up to the terms and conditions of the service.
Funding Parameters
Hearing Aids
The service will only cover the classes of aids and devices as defined in the Terms for Servicing. These aids and devices may be reviewed from time to time as part of the Services policy remit.

Funding will be limited to the manufacturer's wholesale cost of personal hearing aids, ear moulds and In-the-ear hearing aid reshells only.

Consulting/fitting fees or mark-ups will not be reimbursed.

Insurance for hearing aids is not funded.

Disability Funding - Children's Hearing Aid Fund Manual

I will have to purchase both mine and my kids aids and fms. As we are not in full time education the new zealand govt thinks hearing for the classroom only.I wont be able to able to afford more than (at the most) a large area fm for the classroom which wont be attached to the house.

This hurts me to think that I cannot teach my kids the subjects I want and chose the subjects I dont want my kids to learn and have them hearing something.

And what hurts me the most is my mothers attiduce of "deaf kids were speaking and having sucess in life before hearing aids were in made thats why I dont wear them, you shouldnt and grandad doesnt."

(I have the state pay for hearing aids for 13 years I found out the other day I worn them for 6 months before ) my mother has bipolar

when I went into foster care I worn them for 6 months before the last pair broke(i got into fight i dont start it the kid was unable to replace the aids so no charges were layed) and cos I'm not in 30 hours education at school my boyfriends family are paying for a fm and hearing aids cos the state will not.
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We chose for our daughter. Right now she is in a D/HH early childhood program through our school district. Actually, today was to be her first day, since she turned 3 Saturday, but we got stuck with another snow day. We chose this option because it is the best available to us. We cannot homeschool because I am not fluent enough in ASL to provide her with an appropriate education (and cannot afford to hire a full time ToD). The nearest school for the Deaf is 4 hours away, so it is inaccessible at this time.

We are planning to move closer to the state school in the next few years, but if we cannot manage the move by the time she's starting 3rd grade (not comfortable with her boarding younger than that), we intend for her to board at school during the week, home on weekends. If we can manage the move sooner, she will start at the school for the Deaf at that time. Until then, she will be mainstreamed starting in Kindergarten.
TOD dont come to homeschoolers/correspondence school students in new zealand nor AODC and no hearing aids ethier from the state and no support from local/island wide deaf school.

Ministry of Education - What Education Services are Available for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children?

Disability Funding - Children's Hearing Aid Fund Manual

I will have to purchase both mine and my kids aids and fms. As we are not in full time education the new zealand govt thinks hearing for the classroom only.I wont be able to able to afford more than (at the most) a large area fm for the classroom which wont be attached to the house.

This hurts me to think that I cannot teach my kids the subjects I want and chose the subjects I dont want my kids to learn and have them hearing something.

And what hurts me the most is my mothers attiduce of "deaf kids were speaking and having sucess in life before hearing aids were in made thats why I dont wear them, you shouldnt and grandad doesnt."

(I have the state pay for hearing aids for 13 years I found out the other day I worn them for 6 months before ) my mother has bipolar

when I went into foster care I worn them for 6 months before the last pair broke(i got into fight i dont start it the kid was unable to replace the aids so no charges were layed) and cos I'm not in 30 hours education at school my boyfriends family are paying for a fm and hearing aids cos the state will not.

weebeastie this info is for nz only check out how it works in you state.

but great choice
WeeBeastie..........Play it by ear. I think it rocks that your kid is going to a dhh formal program. Maybe a good idea might be after she's graduated from the program, to have her evaluated at the state school for the deaf and see what they think in regards to placement.
Are there any regional dhh programs in your state? That's another option.......
but if we cannot manage the move by the time she's starting 3rd grade (not comfortable with her boarding younger than that), we intend for her to board at school during the week, home on weekends. If we can manage the move sooner, she will start at the school for the Deaf at that time. Until then, she will be mainstreamed starting in Kindergarten.
Excellent! And I agree with you...........I don't think most little kids (unless they live in a dangerous area or are foster kids) should do the residental placement. Third grade sounds like the perfect time to go to Deaf School.
Do you live near a state's border or anything? I know that sometimes they will send a kid to a different state's School for the Deaf
I will have to purchase both mine and my kids aids and fms. As we are not in full time education the new zealand govt thinks hearing for the classroom only.I wont be able to able to afford more than (at the most) a large area fm for the classroom which wont be attached to the house.

This hurts me to think that I cannot teach my kids the subjects I want and chose the subjects I dont want my kids to learn and have them hearing something.
Can you send them to the School for the Deaf? What about a split placement sort of dealie where the kids are at home for one semester/term and then they go to deaf school for the other?
Can you send them to the School for the Deaf? What about a split placement sort of dealie where the kids are at home for one semester/term and then they go to deaf school for the other?

here is enrolment cretia

Level of Deafness
· Communication mode
· Age
· ORRS status
· Proof of New Zealand citizenship, residency, or student permit status
· Additional disabilities
· Availability of village placement for regional students
· The degree of Curriculum adaptation required and
· Availability and suitablity of placement

Kelston Deaf Education Centre .::. Enrolment

heres the problem ORRS is not open to homeschoolers. Hopeful they wont have any additional disabilities (alot of the kids have learning/behavoral disabilitles)

Deaf school of any kind is out.
they live in a dangerous area or are foster kids) should do the residental placement.

The local deaf school are senting the foster kids back into foster homes. They have one and the kid's birth parents live local.

The set up of boarding houses are under review. 24/7 carers are moving out and social workers on 5 hour shifts are the way the furture for nz's Deaf schools
eres the problem ORRS is not open to homeschoolers. Hopeful they wont have any additional disabilities (alot of the kids have learning/behavoral disabilitles)

Deaf school of any kind is out.
Yes but you don't have to homeschool them. You could send them to the Deaf school..........you could move closer or move to a public school that has a dhh unit or something.
I was main-streamed as the doctors did not want my parents treating me different than my brothers.

I homeschool my children. I am deaf, son is HOH, daughter is just special. I homeschool because my daughter has learning disabilities and does better one-on-one and when I pulled daughter out of public school and left son there, they started causing problems for son, so I pulled him to. Kids enjoy home school and we have the freedom to make our own schedule within the guildelines of the State of Florida. When I take my ASL classes, son will be joining me and get school credit as well.

Just this past week, we went to the local cemetary and straightened up all the flowers that blew down in the storm and the kids got to record some things from the old gravestones and when they came home, they did research and learned a little of the history of this area.
eft son there, they started causing problems for son, so I pulled him to. Kids enjoy home school and we have the freedom to make our own schedule within the guildelines of the State of Florida. When I take my ASL classes, son will be joining me and get school credit as well.
Oh I can imagine!!!! It must be such a headache dealing with teachers who know nothing about teaching kids like us, How far away are you guys from FSDB? They ARE hoh friendly.(someone on the site actually sends her daughter there and her daughter who is formally mainstreamed LOVES it and is thriving.....maybe do something like a deaf studies curriculm or pen pals with FSDB.....I think that would be a fun addition to homeschooling....Plus I do have to say that I think that the deaf schools are very underutilized as a resource, especially by hoh folks. Are you guys religious? There is a special needs homeschooling site called NAATHAN.
I have seen too many parents who have made the wrong educational placement choice for their deaf children. Too many. The children are the ones who end up with lots of problems.