Should Copying and Pasting be allowed from AllDeaf into other venues, such as forums, blogs and whatnot without permission from the members posting in AllDeaf?
Many times, we have seen our posts pasted on other venues, out of context or altered, without permission or credited to someone else other than the person who originally posted it on AllDeaf.
This is a growing concern, and we do not want to be misquoted or plaguarized by those who does the copying/pasting without our permission.
We know that this is an open forum, and it is possible that we could be copied and pasted anyway, but it should be something we need to think about.
Please no bashing, flaming or hostility.
Should Copying and Pasting be allowed from AllDeaf into other venues, such as forums, blogs and whatnot without permission from the members posting in AllDeaf?
Many times, we have seen our posts pasted on other venues, out of context or altered, without permission or credited to someone else other than the person who originally posted it on AllDeaf.
This is a growing concern, and we do not want to be misquoted or plaguarized by those who does the copying/pasting without our permission.
We know that this is an open forum, and it is possible that we could be copied and pasted anyway, but it should be something we need to think about.
Please no bashing, flaming or hostility.