polite address

burping is ac ceptalble in cwertain parts of the u.s. ? rally? not whee re i live.

<cts boering me. sor ry for typos>

Yep, in some cultures, it is considered to be a compliment to the cook, and a sign of appreciation for the hospitality.
You do realize that Berry is hearing?

I do remember Berry when I was having a hot debate about Audist discrimination and topics. He had me fooled when I thought he was on our side as Deaf person in former threads after Jillio explain that he is an Audist. I was very shocked and feel very embarrassed. Now it is Mayberries's turn just to be insulted by Berry. Boy, it is better to stay away from him who is the true Audist in the whole forum and I know there are others like him right here on AD. Just have to be careful who you speak to the Audists. :eek3:
I do remember Berry when I was having a hot debate about Audist discrimination and topics. He had me fooled when I thought he was on our side as Deaf person in former threads after Jillio explain that he is an Audist. I was very shocked and feel very embarrassed. Now it is Mayberries's turn just to be insulted by Berry. Boy, it is better to stay away from him who is the true Audist in the whole forum and I know there are others like him right here on AD. Just have to be careful who you speak to the Audists. :eek3:

I didn't know he was an audist. I thought he was enthralled with deaf culture.:hmm:
I didn't know he was an audist. I thought he was enthralled with deaf culture.:hmm:

Berry most definately is not an Audist. Bebonang was referring to another member that, thank heaven, is not around much anymore.
I imagine that I cannot able to sign to deaf girl.

"Hey babe, wanne do something?"
No no, hottie, I'm have headache."
Berry most definately is not an Audist. Bebonang was referring to another member that, thank heaven, is not around much anymore


Thank you.

I was very confused by Bebonang's statement.

I didn't know he was an audist.

I am not.

I can't speak for any prior Berrys, only me.

I thought he was enthralled with deaf culture.:hmm:

I am.

ASL is a wonderful language and Deaf culture has many wonderful qualities that I prefer over the hearing culture I have been exposed to.

The loss of ASL and Deaf culture would be a serious loss to humanity.
Berry most definately is not an Audist. Bebonang was referring to another member that, thank heaven, is not around much anymore.

Oops, Jillio. I thought this is the same Berry name ( I guess my memory slips). You are right that there is another member that has fooled me in the past. Upon learning that another member is not around much anymore. Me, too, thank heaven. Sorry about the mistake. I just came on just now. :eek3:
Berry, I want to apologize for my mistake thinking that you were the person that had fooled me in the past. I made the mistake and I hope I have not offend you on this. I will have to be careful of what I am saying. There were lots of hearing people on our forum and some of them are actually audists, not all, mind you. So I am sorry. :(
Berry, I want to apologize for my mistake thinking that you were the person that had fooled me in the past. I made the mistake and I hope I have not offend you on this. I will have to be careful of what I am saying. There were lots of hearing people on our forum and some of them are actually audists, not all, mind you. So I am sorry. :(


I wasn't angry or insulted -- I was totally confused. Fortunately Jillio spotted your mistake and posted before I even read it.

When I go for a year or two without making any mistakes of my own maybe I'll start feeling superior, until then I'm quite ready to forgive other people's mistakes and hope others forgive me mine.

I don't see anything here we can't laugh about in the future.

Happy Valentines day. :hug:
Oops, Jillio. I thought this is the same Berry name ( I guess my memory slips). You are right that there is another member that has fooled me in the past. Upon learning that another member is not around much anymore. Me, too, thank heaven. Sorry about the mistake. I just came on just now. :eek3:

That's okay, Bebonang. I knew who you were talking about.:wave:

I am apologize to you > I understand you are right. I understand i am happy sound great....

That is good for you... I am happy I don't know what is happened you are upset. I understand that is okay

don't worry because I tell you all right

be peaceful to respect to people want to positive. Smile