Police: Deaf Poker Player Killed While Trying To Buy 10 Pounds Of Marijuana In Las Ve


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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National Deaf Poker Tour Champion Murdered, Authorities Say

Minnesota-based poker player Jonathan Cyril Collins, a three-time winner of National Deaf Poker Tour events, was killed last month in Las Vegas, according to court documents made public this week, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

The 39-year-old Collins and his girlfriend drove to Las Vegas to meet with a man Collins knew only by first name to buy 10 pounds of marijuana, according to police. The couple apparently fell into a robbery attempt, which resulted in one of the suspects shooting Collins while he was in his car, authorities said. Collins’ girlfriend remained at the scene as the suspects fled.

Collins died in his car from a gunshot wound to his chest.

On May 28, police arrested Rufus Anthony Smith III, 27, on murder, conspiracy and kidnapping charges, according to the report. Authorities are still searching for the second man.

“Jon played in many other tournaments all over the country and took his play seriously,” the National Deaf Poker Tour wrote in a Facebook post. “He was always open to talking strategy and coaching players—which made him a popular person on the Deaf Poker Tour and will be missed by many as evidenced by the tributes pouring in. RIP Jon Collins.” The NDPT added that his family has an online fundraiser to help cover his funeral expenses.

Collins had lifetime tournament earnings of $83,757.

cover his funeral costs and he wealthy man...it sad this happen
and it cost him...
10 pounds is allot of bud, allot of loot, and he brings his girlfriend....
( shakes head)
The real game isnt poker, and he found out the hard way...
Shakes head!

10 lbs is a lot, and too risky. If its their first time, gee stupidity at best, if done before then they went too far.
On the face of it. Looks to me
He was targeted, he had loot, with a quick net search anynw could see his earnings, those who murdered him for sure kbew who he was, and what he was mads of, at first glance they kndw this guy was a rank amature, a good guy sure, friendly, likes to chat, who knows, he prob asked around for allot of bud, he never did any time, prob never even has known real hard men, the kind thst will kill you ina heart beat, and he had a giant sign on his forhead that flashed (stupid as sin, rob me) to hard guYs looking for an easy prey...sad...it sucks...and some lessons here for those who want to play but havnt earned their scars...
10 pounds from a guy you dont know, never met, never delt with? he prob brought the money too, lol....damn....
At least his girlfriend wasnt murdered to get rid of a witnesss....
That girl is lucky, hell with that kind of luck she should play poker...
Its a feirce game, that much weight makes it very very real,
Estimate around 20 to 30K dollars (Wholesale price), easy target! Especially when it comes to dealing with strangers.
I hope this wasn't anyone we knew. :(
My boyfriend played with him in poker tournaments. Sad!
I knew him. He was from Minnesota. I don't believe he was ever a member here on AD. I used to see him often at the deaf club. I heard about his death the day it happened, but I didn't know about the 10 lbs of pot. I grew up with his girlfriend, so that part was a real surprise.