Police Bruality against Deaf

I've heard of this kind of stuff... happens way too often. Cops get pissed when a deaf person can't hear them and they lose it on them. Then, I guess they're just embarrassed and refuse to believe that the deaf person didn't understand their request. "He SAW me yelling at him! He's using his disability as an excuse."

It's disgusting.
deaf girl was just being a dumb ass. you have to treat police like rabid dogs. respect them greatly and don't ignore them
In the first video one of the girls says very clearly "She's deaf" and the cop responds "Ok, sit down." That just shows that he's not listening to what is being said.

deaf girl was just being a dumb ass. you have to treat police like rabid dogs. respect them greatly and don't ignore them

And she wasn't being a dumbass. Nothing was being explained to her. He was the one being hostile and she was confused.
I have mixed feelings about it. She should have not started texting while he was clearly talking to them, which is an insult...and then she starts to walk away. You don't do that.

No offense, D, but this is one of the things that really pisses me off about this forum. We should be able to express ourselves without having to worry about thumbing through literally thousands of posts to make sure we haven't "reposted." And to request for someone's thread to be locked is rude. This article means a lot to me because I'm personally involved, even though I didn't realize it until I actually sat down and read it. Now I realized that a "friend" was just using me to get information for this article.

In the first video one of the girls says very clearly "She's deaf" and the cop responds "Ok, sit down." That just shows that he's not listening to what is being said.

And she wasn't being a dumbass. Nothing was being explained to her. He was the one being hostile and she was confused.

you walk away from a police officer, ignore a police officer and disrespect a police officer you are a dumb ass. like my posting says, police are like rabid dogs, ignore at your peril . when the police confiscate your phone it is under the officers authority. being a dumb ass and feeling entitled will get you in trouble.
a police officer is not your mom,dad, teacher, friend- they are the law! unless you understand what their authority entails then you need to heed that law or they can bring it down on you. read the news more often and you will see this happens to hearing very often and the law always comes down on the side of the police. the reporter was doing his/her job by sensationalizing the deaf aspect of this confrontation
I know from personal experience. That she probably was scared out of her wits. I Just went thru something kinda similar.( I just wished it was Filmed) Bad feeling Especially when your sitting in jail and not know what is gonna happen next. Then you get to court and have a Doctor with you telling the judge about your hearing impairment with proof dating back to 1986 and the prosecutor is still telling the judge in his closing argument that you could hear what was going on and that lip reading was sufficient enough... Oh yeah.. One charge was dropped and the other reduced but it still cost me $12,000 so far and I'm not done yet because Im appealing the the reduced charge as I am innocent... Funny thing is the officer admitted he has had no training in the ADA laws. The prosecuter has no experance in ADA laws and the Judge dosen't either. I didn't win the one charge because of the law either. It seems like there is a big problem in Virginia with the ADA laws. Or so the Judge says the 4th Jurisdiction.
you walk away from a police officer, ignore a police officer and disrespect a police officer you are a dumb ass. like my posting says, police are like rabid dogs, ignore at your peril . when the police confiscate your phone it is under the officers authority. being a dumb ass and feeling entitled will get you in trouble.
a police officer is not your mom,dad, teacher, friend- they are the law! unless you understand what their authority entails then you need to heed that law or they can bring it down on you. read the news more often and you will see this happens to hearing very often and the law always comes down on the side of the police. the reporter was doing his/her job by sensationalizing the deaf aspect of this confrontation

Police officers are not above the law, nor are they the law as well. They have a duty of enforcing the written laws. They do not have the right to walk up to you and arrest you for no reason whatsoever. If they were to arrest you for resisting arrest, they must have a reason for arresting you in the first place. If they didn't, then resisting arrest charges would be thrown out the window.

People need to realize that they are not above us, they only have a sworn oath to serve and protect the public. If a police officer cannot accept that, the person has no business being one in the first place.
Police officers are not above the law, nor are they the law as well. They have a duty of enforcing the written laws. They do not have the right to walk up to you and arrest you for no reason whatsoever. If they were to arrest you for resisting arrest, they must have a reason for arresting you in the first place. If they didn't, then resisting arrest charges would be thrown out the window.

People need to realize that they are not above us, they only have a sworn oath to serve and protect the public. If a police officer cannot accept that, the person has no business being one in the first place.

problem is... some officers just wanted to piss you off by arresting you, knowing that the arrest charge would be thrown out.

here's a thing - your arrest record will be on your file.... for life. It may or may not affect your future employment and gun permit.

that process must be changed.
problem is... some officers just wanted to piss you off by arresting you, knowing that the arrest charge would be thrown out.

here's a thing - your arrest record will be on your file.... for life. It may or may not affect your future employment and gun permit.

that process must be changed.

I concur.
problem is... some officers just wanted to piss you off by arresting you, knowing that the arrest charge would be thrown out.

here's a thing - your arrest record will be on your file.... for life. It may or may not affect your future employment and gun permit.

that process must be changed.

You could have them expunged, but that means low-income folk are just plumb ouuta luck.
Police officers are not above the law, nor are they the law as well. They have a duty of enforcing the written laws. They do not have the right to walk up to you and arrest you for no reason whatsoever. If they were to arrest you for resisting arrest, they must have a reason for arresting you in the first place. If they didn't, then resisting arrest charges would be thrown out the window.

People need to realize that they are not above us, they only have a sworn oath to serve and protect the public. If a police officer cannot accept that, the person has no business being one in the first place.

when a cop stops you you have to do anything he says. you are under his authority until he lets you go. the cop took the girls phone- therefore it is under his authority. the girl walks away- therefore she is leaving the scene. she resists arrests. therefore she is charged.
deaf /hearing don't matter. you should try taking a citizen police course where you learn what police can!!! do and get to ride along and see what they do during an arrests.
to deny a cop his authority is to put yourself in jeopardy with the law. put on a princess act and the cop can deal with that. this kind of thing is common because people think they are above the law.

try taking those citizen police classes. you will learn more than you want to.
when a cop stops you you have to do anything he says. you are under his authority until he lets you go. the cop took the girls phone- therefore it is under his authority. the girl walks away- therefore she is leaving the scene. she resists arrests. therefore she is charged.

They must have a probable cause to start with. They can't stop you just because you are walking down the street. They must have a reason to stop you.
this kind of thing is common because people think they are above the law.

Nor are the police officers. It is their duty to enforce the laws, they are not above it.
You could have them expunged, but that means low-income folk are just plumb ouuta luck.

nope. you can have it expunged but the arrest record will still stay with you permanently.... in federal database. Local courts have no jurisdiction over it. all thanks to NCIC (National Crime Information Center).

Remember - even if your record is expunged... you will still have to state your arrest charge in any employment paper.
They must have a probable cause to start with. They can't stop you just because you are walking down the street. They must have a reason to stop you.

it's simply best to avoid cops in the first place. it's the simplest and cheapest way to avoid getting wrongfully arrested.
Nor are the police officers. It is their duty to enforce the laws, they are not above it.

the system is designed to get you arrested. nowadays.... it's too easy to get arrested over anything. it's profitable too.

look at the criminal population. there are more petty offenders than career criminal and white collar crooks, right?
Just in: A friend of mine is currently working in Austin on educating the police using this as an example.

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