The link failed for me so I had to search for the article by using the search in the newspaper.
The plugs have been around for a long time like Dawn said. I remembered seeing a picture of an African woman with a HUGE plug (i would say it is 5 inches disk) in her lip. It was considered as a sign of beauty in that certain tribe. (I googled and foung this image which is a resemblance of what I saw:
'Pre-Columbian Peruvians wore copper ear spools as decoration and early Native Americans, such as Mississippi mound people, wore pottery and stone tunnels that look eerily similar to the styles popular with gaugers today."
I wouldn't mind to have plugs in my ears but I knew I won't keep it so that is why I am not running to the salon and stretch out my ears... yet. ;-) I think if I got plugs then took it out which resulted in a small hole... my husband would be totally turned off. He is already queasy with my piercings... JUST REGULAR EARRINGS, and he starts to gag and shudder if I put in an earring in my ear (the normal type of piercing-- the one that everybdoy get ontheir ears.) He squirmed when I got helix piercings-- he said "as long you don't change your earrings in front of me, i am O-K with 'em..."
So can you imagine his reaction if I un-plug my ears and show him the HUGE holes in my ears???
:BARF: that would be his reaction.
I wouldn't mind to get the jewelry that resembles a spiral (not a twist, or a plug with an image of spiral in it....) I LOVE 'EM! I thought they were So pretty.. and I already love spirals so it is like merging my favorites into one! but I wouldn't gauge my ear. I would get a THIN spiral...
I am not sure if I was using the right term. Usually you will see them in black, dark red, or jade green-- they are tribal-type jewelry that loops through your ear and it looks like a spiral if you look at its profile...