Hmm... may I suggest that a few things be fixed to ensure that your survey is more accurate?
Right now, #1 and #2 and #6 are done in checkbox style instead of option style.
That means, I can select more than one age group... more than one income group... and more than one number of hours of gameplay group. If people aren't paying attention, they may select more than one and that will make your survey more inaccurate.
The last part... #9 is alright since you are already asking for multiple answers.
Another thing, #4 should be clarified a bit more with information like db hearing loss. Right now, I don't know where I should be at.
Also, #7 should have a 3rd option... "not applicable" since the question is regards to those who don't play video games. Instead of a 3rd option, you can add to the question (If you said 'no' to #5...)
For #6, you can do the same thing... (If you said 'yes' to #5...)
Finally, it seems that you left out something that's very important... I repeat... VERY important... SUBTITLES!
That's one of the most common reasons why many deaf people can't enjoy many video games because they can't understand what's going on. So, add that to your list of options!