PLEASE REPLY!!!!please!!!


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
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Hi! My name is Christy and I am a sr. I am hearing, but I am planning on going to school for interpreting. I have a situation that just happened last night actually. My friend Emily is in a math class at school and there is a deaf kid in her class and we both are planning on being interpretors and have already taken ASL classes at a college.
Last night, me and emily decided to ask the interpretors if we could shadow them for the night as they interpreted for this one guy. And the interpretors, said no not tonight because they needed to ask the deaf guy permission because he has his rights to know. And I respected that. so the interpretors are going to ask him and then get back to us next week. Well.. emilys mom works at the school and she told her mom what the interpretors said and her mom talked to the board of the school and the school said that the interpretors had no right to say that we couldn't stay. That we could of stayed no matter what and that it wasn't their decision to say what they said.
Now..Im confused.... was it wrong for the interpretors to ask the deaf person first if we could shadow? was it wrong for us to just go up to the interprors and ask if that night we could sit and watch? Or is the school board right to say that the interpretors had no right to say that. Please help me. Cuz now im nervous about coming back next week to shadow. I dont want neone to be mad at me for askin to shadow. I want a interpreters view and a deaf persons view. Please write me back. THanks.

Since you are not belong to the class that the deaf boy is in, you have to ask for an permission from him and a school baord.

By the way, Interpreter is correct spelling.
Kevbo is right -- the boy who the interpreters are working with should be aware that u are interested in shadowing his terps and all that -- im sure the boy would be happy to let u shadow his terps so u can get both POV's and same time be in compliance with the terp's code of ethics as well
The school board was not right to tell you that you had the right to shadow the interpreters no matter what.

When I was in high school and college, interpreters always asked me if it would be ok for them to have shadow interpreters with them, and I allowed it. Though, in some situations, it could be distracting, so I had to deny the permission in one or two classes, when the theme was too heavy.

The interpreter is right with what s/he was doing, asking his/her student for permission first. That is called respect.

Let me put it this way... What if a shadow teacher came into the classroom and worked with the teacher? It could be distracting, if the students were not informed in advance.
The interpreters are doing the right thing. The Deaf client have the right to say yes or no because it is the Deaf person's class or meeting, not anyone else's! As for the interpreters, they are following the Interpreter's Code of Ethics. The Deaf client comes first no matter what. The school and the mother are stupid for not being considerate to the Deaf client! Also, other people have no right to ask the interpreter for permission to shadow. It MUST be done through the Interpreter Training Program as their coordinator should have some opportunities to give you to shadow some interpreting duties. It is more ethical and more polite.

You should check your state's Interpreter homepage and see what code of ethics they have listed. Here is Utah's Code of Ethics:

Utah Code of Ethics for All Interpreters
1. Interpreters/transliterators shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential.

Guidelines: Interpreters/transliterators shall not reveal information about any assignment, including the fact that the service is being performed.

Even seemingly unimportant information could be damaging in the wrong hands. Therefore, to avoid this possibility, interpreters/transliterators must not say anything about any assignment. In cases where meetings or information become a matter of public record, the interpreter/transliterator should first discuss it with the person involved. If no solution can be reached, then both should agree on a third person who could advise them.

When training new trainees by method of sharing actual experiences, the trainers shall not reveal any of the following information:

name, sex, age, etc., of the consumer
day of the week, time of the day, and time of the year the situation took place
location, including city, state or agency
other people involved unnecessary specifics about the situation

It takes only a minimum amount of information to identify the parties involved.

2. Interpreters/transliterators shall render the message faithfully, always conveying the content and spirit of the speaker using language most readily understood by the person(s) whom they serve.

Guidelines: Interpreters/transliterators are not editors and must transmit everything that is said in exactly the same way it was intended. This is especially difficult when the interpreter disagrees with what is being said or feels uncomfortable when profanity is being used. Interpreters/transliterators must remember that they are not at all responsible for what is said, only for conveying it accurately. If the interpreter's/transliterator's own feelings interfere with rendering the message accurately, he/she shall withdraw from the situation.

While working from spoken English to sign or nonaudible spoken English, the interpreter/transliterator should communicate in the manner most easily understood or preferred by the d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing person(s), be it American Sign Language, manually coded English, fingerspelling, paraphrasing in nonaudible spoken English, gesturing, drawing, or writing. It is important for the interpreter/transliterator and d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing person(s) to spend some time adjusting to each other's way of communicating prior to the actual assignment. When working from sign or nonaudible English, the interpreter/transliterator shall speak the language used by the hearing person in spoken form, be it English, Spanish, French, etc.

3. Interpreters/transliterators shall not counsel, advise or interject personal opinions.

Guidelines: Just as interpreters/transliterators may not omit anything that is said, they may not add anything that is said, they may not add anything to the situation, even when they are asked to do so by other parties involved.

An interpreter/transliterator is only present in a given situation because two or more people have difficulty communicating, and thus the interpreter's/transliterator's only function is to facilitate communication. He/she shall not become personally involved because in so doing, he/she accepts some responsibility for the outcome, which does not rightly belong to the interpreter/transliterator.

4. Interpreters/transliterators shall accept assignments using discretion with regard to skill, setting, and the consumers involved.

Guidelines: Interpreters/transliterators shall only accept assignments for which they are qualified. However, when an interpreter/transliterator shortage exists and the only available interpreter/ transliterator does not possess the necessary skill for a particular assignment, this situation should be explained to the consumer. If the consumer agrees that services are needed regardless of skill level, then the available interpreter/transliterator will have to use his/her best judgment about accepting or rejecting the assignment.

Certain situations, due to content, consumer involvement, the setting or other reasons, may prove so uncomfortable for some interpreters/transliterators and/or consumers that the facilitating task is adversely affected. An interpreter/transliterator shall not accept assignments which he/she knows will be adversely affected.

Interpreters/transliterators shall generally refrain from providing services in situations where family members or close personal or professional relationships may affect impartiality, since it is difficult to mask inner feelings. Under these circumstances, especially in legal settings, the ability to prove oneself unbiased when challenged is lessened. In emergency situations, it is realized that the interpreter/transliterator may have to provide services for family members, friends, or close business associates. However, all parties should be informed that the interpreter/transliterator may not become personally involved in the proceedings.

5. Interpreters/transliterators shall request compensation for services in a professional and judicious manner.

Guidelines: Interpreters/transliterators shall be knowledgeable about fees that are appropriate to the profession, and be informed about the current suggested fee schedule of the national organization. A sliding scale of hourly and daily rates has been established for interpreters/transliterators in many areas. To determine the appropriate fee, interpreters/transliterators should know their own level of skill, level of certification, length of experience, nature of the assignment, and local cost of living index.

There are circumstances when it is appropriate for interpreters/transliterators to provide services without charge. This should be done with discretion, taking care to preserve the self?respect of the consumers. Consumers should not feel that they are recipients of charity. When providing gratis services, care should be taken so that the livelihood of other interpreters/transliterators will be protected. A freelance interpreter/transliterator may depend on this work for a living and, therefore, must charge for services rendered, while persons with other full?time work may perform the service as a favor without feeling a loss of income.

6. Interpreters/transliterators shall function in a manner appropriate to the situation.

Guidelines: Interpreters/transliterators shall conduct themselves in such a manner that brings respect to themselves, the consumers, and the national organization. The term appropriate manner refers to: (a) dressing in a manner that is appropriate for the skin tone and is not distracting and (b) conducting oneself in all phases of an assignment in a manner befitting a professional.

7. Interpreters/transliterators shall strive to further knowledge and skills through participation in workshops, professional meetings, interaction with professional colleagues, and reading of current literature in the field.

8. Interpreters/transliterators shall strive to maintain high professional standards in compliance with the Utah Code of Ethics.

© 2002 Utah Interpreter Program
"In cases where meetings or information become a matter of public record, the interpreter/transliterator should first discuss it with the person involved. If no solution can be reached, then both should agree on a third person who could advise them."
Okay... okay... okay... I'll reply! Happy now? ;)

Anyway, that's a pretty sticky issue. I would suggest that you check with the boy. Maybe he needs interpreters or doesn't. You wouldn't to face a lawsuit if something happens. Remember, if something is interpreted wrong... all hell could break loose!
Hello welcome to AD, yet another minnesotan yahoo! :cool:

Well, as your question..
For me, here in minn terp code of ethics.. is the same as the Utah code of ethic that Deaf258 provide above.

I would suggust you to simply ask the boy permission first, then ask the terp when is the best time.. As for class.. I think it's best not to.. but if he accepts it and the interpreter accept it then it will work. There's always other way to shadow other places..

as for me, I won't let anybody be a shadow while i'm in doctor's office because it's too personal or other personal conservation. Classes are fine for me, as long they don't chat to eachother :)
As many has mentioned -- I do believe it's best for the interpreters to ask the person who they were interpreting for, for permission for the interpreters to be shadowed by a learning student in interpreting.
I have been asked if it was ok for the student to shadow the interpeter and i had no plm i made an emphasisation not on drs appts as those are personal and private and only a certified interp shows up thats it. they agreed and we all three ( the shadower the interp and myself notified the DSS ( disablity office) of the intending plans, and they just had me sign my agreement consentment and the BOTH interps confidentality paperworks then within 30 mins classes was starting so we headed over and i filled in the shadower what the class was g oing to be abt and etc. as the interp that i had was my sub interp for three weeks due to my offical interp was on a family emergency leave. So Its in all aspect a proper thing to do and just communicate but there IS NO need for the admistration to go butting in or the mother either unless they have a reason ie; mother saying no one else to interp and no partner interpters for the child, then they would have to step in , I actually had two poeple in my jr high school that the kid can't have 2 interpeter, and it wrecked havoc on those interp's hands, so she quit and there was always at least once a month replacement which peeved me cuz mother not understand the issue of the CTS that was just begining to be reconized.....
Deaf 258 is right on. Nothing else really needs to be said. The deaf client is the consumer which means it's his or her call. From my experience most deaf are always willing to have new terps come in with me. That's mostly in the educational settings though. One thing, interpreters are people too and just maybe there are some times where the terp knows it would not be a good situation for someone to sit in. peace