Please pray...


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
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A friend of my who used to be my residence counsellor (we are very close) her husband is sick, and is in the hospital, He is not doing very well. So please pray for him. He has cancer..
:( DarkAngel, I am sorry to hear about your Counselor's husband. Cancer is such an awful disease. How is he doing at the moment? I will pray for him and I hope that he will beat this terrible disease.
He is not doing well, he is in hospital.. He was just dianogned in about may. Only 3 months ago, and he is getting worse and worse.. I hope he gets better..
:hug: This is so sad, I hope that he will be able to get the treatment to get better, and not suffer a lot. Be there for your friend, and I hope that she will be brave throughout this terrible ordeal her husband is going through.
I'll keep your friend's husband in my prayers and thoughts...and also with his immediate family and friends likewise....Pls. do hang in there and I know you'll do all you can to help comfort your friend while she is going through this difficult and trying time.

Will make this 'sticky' for the time being-- ;)
Oh dear, I´m very sorry about your friend´s husband...

She & her family are my thought and prayer. :(
We sure do have a lot going on with family and friends' death! I'm sorry to hear about your friend, DA! hugs! Praying for ya and your friend!
I am sorry to hear that your counselor's husband has cancer. I will pray for him and his family. :hug:
Praying here

I am praying for your friend's husband. I have a friend who is going through the same thing (check out thread "Please pray for my boss' daughter).

God bless, and keep us updated,

i just want to post an update.. my friend's husband had passed away just before christmas in 2005. It is a very sad incident, and my friend is doing ok now. It was very tough on her but she seems to be improving, but still terribly misses him.