please pray for my friend's dad


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I got e mail from my friend.... His dad had to go to hospital monday and then had heart surgery to have "sint" something installed in him.... He have been driving his mom around alot"- his parents are visiting Minnesota from flordia, they have been staying with my friend..... My friend's dad is in my prayer....
aww huggs..... add to our prayer list..

have faith that he will be ok! :D
:aw: :hug: I am sorry to hear about your friend's father, racheleggert. It sounds like he had a stent put into his heart? I hope that this gentleman will get better each and everyday with God's help. He is in my prayers. May God keep giving you the strength to continue to be there for your friend rachel. Keep us informed as to how this man is doing. :grouphug: :grouphug:
There is another person added to the prayer list. That is me :wave: Wish him well soon enough and get back on his feet. I know what is like to have an open heart surgery been there and done that. Not easy!!!
racheleggert said:
I got e mail from my friend.... His dad had to go to hospital monday and then had heart surgery to have "sint" something installed in him.... He have been driving his mom around alot"- his parents are visiting Minnesota from flordia, they have been staying with my friend..... My friend's dad is in my prayer....

If I understand right, it is "stents" to be placed near the heart inside the blood passage. Regardless of what it is, thoughts and prayers are given in his behalf.
thanks.. I did made this thread via my SK2... anyways here what my friend told me in his e mail:

I've been a little busy since I went to Florida and picked up my parents. We got here on Sat night and dad went into the hospital on Mon morning and on Tue afternoon he had a "stint" put in his heart! I've been real busy driving my mother all over and this weekend is our family reunion.

I will see him soon this week and I will ask him if we get chance to chat since he will be busy working. he sent this email 2 days ago. I am glad that AD support anyone who needed prayers.

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