Please, pray for my boss' daughter

I am sorry to heard that and gets well your boss's daughter!!!!
Your prayers are helping!

I saw Kendra again last night. She is looking great! She has had 6 chemo treatments now, and through them all, she has only FELT sick, but has not actually GOTTEN sick (if you know what I mean). Through all that is happening to her, she has been so brave and a blessing to the nurses and staff at the hospital. Also, she has been a good testimony to the other teens in our church in that she can keep a great attitude through all that is going on.

Continue to pray for her.

wow.. thats great sign... God is amazing!!

we are continuing pray for her.... till she done with Chemo treatment.. without complications.. less the pain too .. PLUS her strength & patients..

:D thanks Trent for update..
Quick Update

The doctors have said that since Kendra has been doing so well with the chemo treatments and is responding well, they are going to increase the intensity fo the chemo treatments and see how she does.

Continue to pray for her. She is not over this yet.

Good news

Today is Kendra's 16th birthday. She has been home from the hospital for 1 week now and was able to be in church yesterday morning and evening!

Pray for her espically today - she is trying to get her dirver's license today. She has a note from her doctor saying that her immune system is at risk and that she needs to be one of the first one through the dirving test. I'll let you know how things go.

Tomorrow, she goes back to the hospital for 8 more days of chemo. Pray earnestly for her healing.


:applause: Oh how awesome!!!! She is fighting and not giving up!!!! How wonderful that must be for her family to see her improving. Good luck to her on getting her driver's license. I hope and pray for her that she improves every day more and more. What good news for her!!!!
She did it!

Kendra got her driver's license! The next day, she went back to the hospital to start her second round of chemo. The doctors did a bone marrow biopsy and the preliminary results are great. The doctors didn't find anything! She still has to go through the chemo treatment while more tests are being done. Praise the Lord for His healing.
Who says there are no miracles happening today. . .

I am just going to quote from Kendra's website to make this easy --

Hello from Kendra and her family. She is resting after a very busy day on Friday. She was able to get a day pass to go to the Crusader Homecoming. She got out of the hospital around 11:00, went home for awhile and then headed to the school around 1:30 for the pep rally. They announced her name with the volleyball team. None of her friends knew she was going to be there so there were many tears of joy when she came running through the doors. After that she was able to spend time with everyone while watching Mitchell and Treston(her brothers) play soccer. She then went to the gym to watch and sit with the volleyball team during their game. They then surprised her back by announcing her name with the starting line-up. The v-ball coach arranged for her to serve the first serve of the game. Everyone was yelling for her and she was in a state of shock, but loving every minute of it. Her serve got over the net and they were able to score the first point. Following the game they went to a bonfire for refreshments and testimonies. She was able to be there with Treston during his first homecoming bonfire. She then drove them home in her car. She made it back to the hospital by 12:30 a.m. – only 30 minute short of her 12:00 curfew. It was an awesome day that she (and a lot of us) will not soon or ever forget.

God is so good. He knew the timing would be just right for her to get out. A day sooner and she would’ve been on chemo, a day later and her counts would’ve been too low for to leave the hospital. THANKS to all who helped to make the day so special for her.

Her ANC (fighting power) is now down to 0. Now we wait for it to go back up. Please continue to pray for no fevers or infections, especially at this time.

Thank you for your continued prayers. If you have a chance to visit, Kendra would love to see you. You can call first if you’d like.

Kendra’s verse for the day: Psalms 31:1 – In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.
Praise the Lord

I have been bad about keeping you all updated on Kendra.

She is through with all of the chemo treatments, and the cancer is in full remission! She just had her blood counts done on Wednesday, and everything is just as it should be.

She gave her testimony in our church last night. All through her battle with cancer, she had been praying that someone might get saved through all of this. Well, someone did Tuesday night! SHE DID! Kendra said in her testimony that she had been have a lot of doubts as to whether or not she was truly saved and she decided that she would settle the doubts once and for all, and now she knows for sure that when she dies, she will be going to Heaven! What an answer to prayer for her health and for someone to receive God's Salvation.

Have a blessed day, and thank you all again for praying for Kendra.
babymakerdaddy said:
My boss just found out last night that his 17 year old daughter has cancer. From what they understand, the form of cancer she has is leukemia. They are at the hospital right now to see what they can do for her.

Any prayers for her would be greatly appreciated. Her name is Kendra.


That is great!
Praise GOD!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :angel: