Please help a newbie


New Member
Dec 23, 2006
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My name is Dave. I am a hearing man from New Jersey. I started going to Pillsbury Baptist Bible College last fall. During the first week, I met a Deaf couple. I nervously signed hello. It was the only sign I knew at the time. Over the next four months, I took an ASL class and got alot of help from my new Deaf friends. Then, when they got to know me a little better, they invited me to their Deaf church. God gave me a heart for Deaf people. I loved being involved with the Deaf community. When they gave me my name sign, I was so excited and proud I told all my friends, and showed them my name sign. I guess what I need help with is meeting Deaf people in my home town. All my Deaf friends are in M.N. If any Deaf in New Jersey are reading this please help me.
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
:welcome: to AD! Happy Holidays!
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Nice to know you've gotten help from friends and now have the 'heart' to be associated with them as well. You'll also find great friends here in AD and hope you'll enjoy your stay here as well! ;)

Have a great day! :wave:
