Plans for Easter....

when is easter?
My sister will be turning 35 years old for her birthday on April 16th. My mom and I will go over at my sister's house for a little party for my sister's birthday.
ecevit said:
Could you explain me the meaning of easter ?
I'm foreign to both american and christian cultures
"Easter" is also know as Resurrection Sunday. It is the day that Christians celebrate the resurrection from the grave by Jesus Christ our Lord. He was crucified (slowly, painfully killed on a wooden cross), put into a tomb, and then three days later He arose alive again. He now lives in Heaven.

Jesus voluntarily sacrificed His life so that all the sinners of the world could be saved from going to hell when they die. He did that because He loves us. That is why we celebrate. Christians want to show their appreciation and love to Jesus for His sacrifice.

People in different countries have added their own cultural traditions as ways to celebrate Easter.
We will go to church, and then we will have lunch with our family.
Cheri said:
What are your plans for celebrate Easter on Sunday?

I'm going over my dad's and step mother's house for Easter like every year, have a lunch branch and egg hunting for the kids. ;)
We're going over to my hubby's parents over the long weekend. It'll be fun for my boys, but probably not for me. :dunno:
Going to Austin to visit family. Church Sunday morning, easter egg hunt for the kids afterwards (my grandson's first egg hunt -- photo op), then a way too big dinner, and try not to fall asleep on the way back to Ft Worth.