Jiro you had some very wise comments in your most recent post
Beo, actually most "pit bulls" who are survivors of abuse, given lots of time and patience - are wonderful companions. Sadly, they actually are quite tolerant of punishment and mistakes because of their very original background as "fighting dogs" - originally as a type, bred for high pain tolerance and high human trust, since these things were needed traits in the fight pits. You could not have a dog "turning on you" during the extreme high arousal of dog aggression, or when being treated for injuries.
"Pit bulls" a large complex complex group of various dogs - are much more forgiving of human error and cruelty than many other groups or breeds of dogs - my breed, the Rottweiler, being one that is not so patient with people doing "the wrong thing".
I see a lot of pit bulls around here. Some time ago I was walking and saw a pit bull jump out of a car window to investigate another dog (a collie, if I remember correctly) being walked in front of me. I thought Uh oh, but the two guys in the car got out and put it back in there.