Pit bull "awwwwwwwww" <grin>

Jiro you had some very wise comments in your most recent post:thumb:

Beo, actually most "pit bulls" who are survivors of abuse, given lots of time and patience - are wonderful companions. Sadly, they actually are quite tolerant of punishment and mistakes because of their very original background as "fighting dogs" - originally as a type, bred for high pain tolerance and high human trust, since these things were needed traits in the fight pits. You could not have a dog "turning on you" during the extreme high arousal of dog aggression, or when being treated for injuries.
"Pit bulls" a large complex complex group of various dogs - are much more forgiving of human error and cruelty than many other groups or breeds of dogs - my breed, the Rottweiler, being one that is not so patient with people doing "the wrong thing".

I see a lot of pit bulls around here. Some time ago I was walking and saw a pit bull jump out of a car window to investigate another dog (a collie, if I remember correctly) being walked in front of me. I thought Uh oh, but the two guys in the car got out and put it back in there.
And here I thought he was looking at you as if you were hamburger meat. :lol:
I am glad it worked out. I love dogs, but abused pit bulls are, ummm... I don't want to offend anybody.
Anyway, take good care of it. I sam sure you will.

yea that's ok. a person should never get a dog he's not comfortable with. a dog is very receptive of how a person is feeling and if you're feeling very unsure all the time, it will be very protective of you and may get aggressive to other people.

that's why this dog was yellow-coded and is best handled by an experienced dog owner and an expert will approve the adoption if he/she feels it's a good match.

I don't know what happened to that dog. it was quite a while back. hopefully he got adopted but I'm sure he did cuz he's a very sweet dog. I don't think he would hurt a cat or anybody despite of his large size.
all dogs have the capability to bite/inflict damage and all dogs guard-something- sometime.

That is so true. I wanted to check out mix breed dog , it was part cocker spaniel and was found on the streets. I was told it was not good dog to have around small kids as he could bite a child. The poor dog was being bullied by some jackass kids . :(
Cute!!!!! If they treat pitbull dogs very well then they will respect back as well.

Same basic for regular dogs too.

All i know that Pitbulls have STRONG jaws than any other dogs if i am not mistaken.
Cute!!!!! If they treat pitbull dogs very well then they will respect back as well.

Same basic for regular dogs too.

All i know that Pitbulls have STRONG jaws than any other dogs if i am not mistaken.

You better believe it. Vise grips and all that. Takes a crowbar to pry them loose. Lol
A year ago I took care of a HUGE pit bull named Truman. It had the sweetest disposition, though one time I heard it growl when I brought it in too early into the house. :lol:
It takes only one bad pit bull in the area to brand them all, though.
Cute!!!!! If they treat pitbull dogs very well then they will respect back as well.

Same basic for regular dogs too.

All i know that Pitbulls have STRONG jaws than any other dogs if i am not mistaken.

Yes that is true , they have a very wide powerful jaw and they can climbs trees too.

"Pit bulls" do -not- have locking jaws. What they do have a terrier tenaciousness and a very high pain tolerance.
They are extremely athletic which gives many the ability to climb, as in WDYS! video <liked that :wave: >

Very true, Frisky, about how if you treat the dogs right....
dogmom;2302283[B said:
"Pit bulls" do -not- have locking jaws.[/B] What they do have a terrier tenaciousness and a very high pain tolerance.
They are extremely athletic which gives many the ability to climb, as in WDYS! video <liked that :wave: >

Very true, Frisky, about how if you treat the dogs right....

Thank you for setting me straight.
"Pit bulls" do -not- have locking jaws. What they do have a terrier tenaciousness and a very high pain tolerance.
They are extremely athletic which gives many the ability to climb, as in WDYS! video <liked that :wave: >

Very true, Frisky, about how if you treat the dogs right....

They would made great police dogs , if someone try to escape climbing a tree a pitbull can go after them. I bet that would blow the person mind out seeing a dog climbing a tree after them. LOL!
they breeding cross grey hound and pit i understand they taking the worse of the pit and faster from grey hound this bad
hey caz, didn't know about that but it's troublesome...saw online after your mentioned - another "designer dog" <also known as mixed breed> called the "Greybull"
:)WDYS yes, here's one-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPd2J3HFJxM
Shaka, K9, in Oregon. <the captions were there but spotty>
this is a link to a newpaper article about her: http://www.milwaukieoregon.gov/police/milwaukies-new-k-9-goes-prime-time

and here is SAR <search and rescue> k9, pit bull Dakota: Happy Birthday Dakota; a Search and Rescue Hero - National Pit Bull | Examiner.com

LOL! The dog has shades on! Marty would made good dug sniffing dog , he has his nose to ground a lot sniffing out animals but I have to be careful about letting Marty do this at night. One time to lead me right up to a skunk! Boy we where lucky the skunk had a way to escape .
hey caz, didn't know about that but it's troublesome...saw online after your mentioned - another "designer dog" <also known as mixed breed> called the "Greybull"

I just can't visualize what one would look like apart from bog ugly
Yes, I bet Marty would have been, WDYS!
That - is an example of a close call!

caz, in the online pictures I've seen of the Greyhound and pit bull mixes - many of them just look like more lanky or skinny pit bulls. Since pit bulls are a type and not a breed, and come in many variations anyway.
I KNEW little pom,he was called pat dog cos people patted him he was taken to hospitals to be patted(wonder he had head left)this dog had something about him I can only describe as angelic I seen good dogs loveable dogs but this one radiated love...when he went to hospitals he always took himself to the dying who patted him and you could see something I unable to describe and these patients often pass away within 48hrs calmed relaxed after dog had left.
I have never seen a dog like it again