I love pitbulls. great dogs. great sense of pride. I've worked with many pitbulls during my time at one of the largest animal shelter in NJ. so many were abandoned or taken away from abusive owners
I can never forget about this very large dog (mixed pit) that can easily maul me in seconds. he was given a yellow mark. at the facility, each dog is color-coded based on its behavior judged by experts.
green is good. easily adoptable. easy case.
yellow is caution. requires extra care due to traumatic/abusive past and/or may not work well with other dog or child.
red is danger. may bite. requires only handling by experts to modify its behavior.
so this huge dog was yellow-coded and the description stated that he was abused by a male owner who threw hot water at him so the dog was not comfortable with men
so I entered the gate and he cowered at the corner.... stood there for a while... letting him warm up to me... and he slowly approached to me.... stood there for another while... and he got more comfortable and happy.... took him out for a walk... all is well... but I don't know what happened to him when I no longer volunteer there. hopefully he got adopted by experienced dog owner.