Pictures of my two Rotties!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2009
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here's a link to share with you - photos of my two young Rottie girls this 4th, playing in the backyard!

one of my favorites is the "air" shot of the my youngest, Kaylee, with the hose, at the end of the series-

Kaylee and Violet 4th of July 2011 - a set on Flickr
Beeuuuutiful pictures!! Gorgeous dogs. You sound like such a proud mama!!!
I love your 4th of July pictures! It looks like you had a very active and fun holiday. :)
great pics
big dogs, would hate to think how much they eat..., the GSP i have here eats twice as much as a huntaway farm dog..and its twice as skinny...hard to believe
here's a link to share with you - photos of my two young Rottie girls this 4th, playing in the backyard!

one of my favorites is the "air" shot of the my youngest, Kaylee, with the hose, at the end of the series-

Kaylee and Violet 4th of July 2011 - a set on Flickr

Great shiny and smooth coat. They look very obedient. Do you train them visually, assist with gestures?
Very impressive!...2 of the most healthiest dogs I've seen...and so strong.....Just beautiful. I'm sure you feel very safe with ur dogs around.
Oh my goodness. They are GORGEOUS!!!! Love those shiny black coats.

The only really big dog I ever wanted to have was a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and I reluctantly decided it wasn't such a good idea. Your dogs bring back that feeling of "aww, wouldn't it be great..."

They are just beautiful and I love that you are doing agility with them. You don't see too many Rotties in agility competition.
:D all my AD friends, for looking at my pictures and kind replies:D

yes, it was quite an active - and wet - 4th of July weekend, Botti - actually this weekend also. With the high heat I've been doing the hose game with them pretty often. Bigger Rottie also LOVES to be dried off and rubs her head and shoulders enthusiastically between/against my legs.

actually, Grummer, they really don't eat much - they are all raw-fed, so I don't need to feed as much to achieve healthy weight and other good qualities for them. Their food sources <raw meat and bones> are very rich and easily digestible. The adults now all get fed about 2x daily; the youngest - Kaylee - when she was a baby puppy she got lunch for a few months but that was also because I'm home - it's not required to feed young puppies of this size 3x the same way it is with toy/tiny breeds.

naisho, also thanks for your thoughts about them being obedient and on their coats, should'a just now seen me trying to get both of them inside after getting excited about the young Lab in the yard across the cul de sac - he appears to be visiting there with his family and he has a squeaky toy. My girls were very intense with him but I was able to call Violet <big Rottie> off the fence separating the yards and got the younger Rottie's attention with my cap we were using to do searching games with yesterday. I threw that away from the fence and ran toward the house, trying to get her prey momentum to my advantage:lol:
all my dogs work to voice and hand - train first to get motion of behavior I want, then when I can bet 5$ they'll do the behavior I want, add hand cue or signal, and then voice. Also have both auditory and visual signal that tells them I like what they've done.

RR, yes, :ty: the Rottie is a powerful guardian breed, not given to easy friendships with strangers. I do feel very safe with them, many times people have crossed the street when I was out with one. One time, I hadn't realized the garbage collection truck was here in the cul de sac and I let the big Rottie you see there - let her outside for bathroom, not realizing the garbage person was coming up our driveway to get our carts from where we keep them. Our whole back yard is fenced. If walking up the driveway, you end up going past or alongside a portion of said yard directly in front of the side door we use as our main entrance. So, I saw him walk up that way at the same time big girl <Rottie> saw him - and he saw her. He stopped dead in his tracks and would not move til I brought her in.
That said, they are very affectionate with all family members:D

BG, the Ridgie was one of the breeds we looked at when we were investigating breeds prior to the first Rottie. We wanted a larger, multi-purpose working dog with guarding and herding ability, who would be very affectionate with us. We both like the R.R. but it was very difficult to find a reputable breeder at that time in our area and the Ridgie does not fit all the characteristics I mentioned - wanted more "working" temperament as opposed to "hound" temperament, also.
Because we had certain expectations, we did generally go with looking at specific breeds from reputable sources as opposed to a dog with un-known or less controlled history from a shelter or rescue.

again, I really appreciate folks taking the time to look!:ty:
BG, the breeder we went with < as well as her peer who had the sire of these current girls - sire- Bridge :( >
competes heavily in obedience, agility, Rally... also has done cart and herding.
Cart, herding and obedience I've seen Rotties in a fair amount, but not so much agility. Are you on the East coast? I'd love to see that breeder work.

Of course I'm mostly interested in poodles, so could be I just wasn't paying attention to the larger breeds when they were there.

By the way, I think you were smart to go with a reputable breeder. I never think that's a bad idea, but I think it's particularly important when you're going with large, strong dogs that are sometimes bred for aggression. It's really important to know what you're getting. Looks like you've got some gems!
hi BG, :ty: much!
yes, I certainly agree - research is very important!
we were on waiting lists with all three girls-

am sorry if I've forgotten and already asked you - are there water work events or field events for the Standards? Since originally they were water retrievers?
hi BG, :ty: much!
yes, I certainly agree - research is very important!
we were on waiting lists with all three girls-

am sorry if I've forgotten and already asked you - are there water work events or field events for the Standards? Since originally they were water retrievers?

Yes there are, for both Standards and even Miniatures, believe it or not (the larger Minis, mostly). There are a lot of Standards who do water retrieving and other water sports.
:wave: Nanna, :ty:

oh, I wish I could see some Poodles doing what they were originally bred for all those years ago. I'm glad the Mini's can partake, too.
have you been to any of those trials?
No, I haven't. Some of my on-line poodle friends have done it, though. Lemme see if I can dig up some youtubes...
Here's one:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Standard Poodle, Rene water retrieve at Bass Lake 6/21/09‬&rlm;[/ame]

I don't think that's a competition, seems to be just a family thing. If you go to and search "poodle water-retrieve" you will find a lot of entries.