Pictures of my family

Lovely pictures of your family! Thanks for sharing that with us! :)
:confused: :eek2: Ahem, um.. are you two (scubalady and magnix) a husband and wife????

:wave: HI Magnix! Welcome here!
Very nice family pics. Black/white pics are awesome. Thanks for sharing. :)
Very beautiful pictures you got ! You and your husband look good together, especially your children. :)
love to see food fight funny between you and your hubby! you all look great family. your kids keeps you busy away from here eh!

when i am older i might shave my all hairs no way!

are you diver?
Those are awesome pictures! Your family is very beautiful! And you the pictures are taken like a professional! I love black & white photography, I think it lets the mind wander alitte more, making pictures more interesting to look at.