pictures of my Big Girl, Miss Violet

i understand, both my girls would much rather be sniffing around for rodents or deer poop or whatever than in fake sticks.

We have lots of ground squirrel holes in our yard and my youngest <who had the surgery> is forever sticking her nose in those holes, and she starts to dig and tries her get her whole self in there. And she huffs and snorts and carries on at the hole, getting all excited:lol: my hub has had to go and actually pick her up out of the hole, with dirt flying. I sure hope too she doesn't get her little nose bit sometime, I usually try to move her away if I think she's starting to get real excited because there's something in there.

One time this past summer she found a little mole inside the window well depression against the side of the house, in the backyard. There's a drainage pipe also in that depression. The mole was scurrying back and forth in the bottom and my dog was going nuts...mole eventually took shelter in the pipe opening. She was absolutely determined on destroying that mole, as well as the pipe...I had to go get my husband
to come outside and lift her up and carry her in the house.

Later that day I took her back outside for bathroom. She went right back over to the window well and started searching for her earlier find!
i was VERY glad the mole had finally left!

OMG ! Marty goes nuts over the chipmunks hole that has a drain pipe running down it! He was want to dig a huge hole too but I don't let him. And he goes after rabbit poop , there is a fresh supply of this around my yard. YUCKY ! I had to :lol: about your dog story ! Our pets sure do keep us entertain ! Marty just came into the room to let me know he ate his supper. :giggle: