Do the sign for "again" in reverse but that is still not precise enough. The fingers on right hand need to move up and down (not the hand!) as the hand moves right opposite from the left hand.
If you signed "again" in reverse with "f," it means "lazy" in French Sign Language. I got this name sign, when I visited France and I was so tired one day from all the travelling and working, so I collapsed and slept all day. My friend, Sandrine and I said the exact same sign at same time, and she decided that would be my name sign, with "m" instead of "f." It stuck on, and is used in America too.
If you signed "again" in reverse with "f," it means "lazy" in French Sign Language. I got this name sign, when I visited France and I was so tired one day from all the travelling and working, so I collapsed and slept all day. My friend, Sandrine and I said the exact same sign at same time, and she decided that would be my name sign, with "m" instead of "f." It stuck on, and is used in America too.