Picture of your pets

^ beautiful cat, beautiful picture, beautiful name :D

Thank you. Actually, my hubby and I did not pick his name. My good friend who adopted him. She is a big fan of eating sushi. So she is a cat lover. She has 8 cats, well she keeps adopting cats endless. So she asked me if i can take one of her cats so i took sushi the baby kitty. My hubby and I did not have gut to change his name so we kept his name. My hubby and I aren't crazy about SUSHI (the seafood). :giggle:
^ LOL... me either...

I was wondering... Is Sushi (the cat ;) ) semi-bread cat? From the side, if it weren't for the nose, I'd say he's half Norwegian or Maine Coon :shrug:
^ LOL... me either...

I was wondering... Is Sushi (the cat ;) ) semi-bread cat? From the side, if it weren't for the nose, I'd say he's half Norwegian or Maine Coon :shrug:

I had no idea what breed he is. My friend took Sushi and the other cat who is sushi's brother without seeing the mama cat and dada cat. So we have no way of knowing what breed they are. My other friend adotped the cat who is sushi's brother. He got all black and little of brown that looks like maine coon. He did visit my home to meet sushi but Sushi seems not to like him snooping around in my house. I have picture of sushi and sushi's brother on the CD. That's sad. lol.
I'm saying so because his beautiful vast tuxedo chest is sort of giving him away... I'd rather say part of him is Maine Coon. Do you have a frontal pic of Sushi or a picture where I can see the entire body to be able to determine (if you want to that is...)?
My third baby, his name is Sushi.


:aw: very cute!...:aw:

Gosh!..they are alike! Sinbad goes for a walk every evening with me and Duma.
Everybody gives us a second look!...it's funny to see the a cat trotting along with the dog.
Sorry Mozart is not around anymore :(


Believe, if ever I have a cat again, I'll be walking it too.... :giggle: At least on weekends that's how it will get to see the world and not just my apartment :cool2:

I miss Mozart a lot!!! He was one good cat with very individual personality! :(
I'm saying so because his beautiful vast tuxedo chest is sort of giving him away... I'd rather say part of him is Maine Coon. Do you have a frontal pic of Sushi or a picture where I can see the entire body to be able to determine (if you want to that is...)?

Oh sure! I spoke with my friend. she did see sushi's dad. she didn't see mom that day someone adopted the mama kitty. She said his dad was huge one. Sushi's brother is bigger than sushi. We suspect that sushi is a runt kitty. Sushi is smaller and lighter than my other two cats.


The left, red tabby is Jude, in the middle of small kitty, sushi and on the right side, is tavish. Tavish has a white vest. Sushi only have "look like shrimp shape" on his back. i hope you guys can see sushi is the smallest one. Actually sushi's hair is longer that makes him look big but he isn't.
:hmm: Sushi's ears are far apart (like a Maine Coon), very beautiful coat (silky!), his stomach hair isn't long enough to be Maine Coon - LOL which throws me into wondering... though if Sushi isn't full breed - I am pretty that there's Maine Coon in there somewhere.

Very beautiful cat and very beautiful posture when standing! Long whiskers too...

*pats Sushi* (I'm in love with your cat now Frisky :giggle: )
:hmm: Sushi's ears are far apart (like a Maine Coon), very beautiful coat (silky!), his stomach hair isn't long enough to be Maine Coon - LOL which throws me into wondering... though if Sushi isn't full breed - I am pretty that there's Maine Coon in there somewhere.

Very beautiful cat and very beautiful posture when standing! Long whiskers too...

*pats Sushi* (I'm in love with your cat now Frisky :giggle: )

Thank you. hehe sushi has a long tail than his two fur brothers. He weighs approx 8 lbs.
haha thats so cute. are those fur kids close to each other?

Becoming so. She is 3 years, and we just rescued the Peke who is 5 years about three weeks ago.

She thinks he is fascinating. But she misses our cat who just died of old age.

That is the main reason to adopt the Pekingese, to take her mind off it and cheer her up. It is working, but my husband said she still sits on the back deck every night before bed looking for the cat.

She saw his dead body, but it had no meaning for her. She did not understand.
Becoming so. She is 3 years, and we just rescued the Peke who is 5 years about three weeks ago.

She thinks he is fascinating. But she misses our cat who just died of old age.

That is the main reason to adopt the Pekingese, to take her mind off it and cheer her up. It is working, but my husband said she still sits on the back deck every night before bed looking for the cat.

She saw his dead body, but it had no meaning for her. She did not understand.

Aw, I think you did the right thing to put her mind off about her loving "fursibling". I really don't know if animals understand what dead body was. So, aww, She misses her FUR-sibling. So i think this picture looks so cute, at the both priceless fur faces looking at each other while your hubby keeps smoothing furkids. cute!