picture of your desktop

This is my desktop....


  • mydesktop.JPG
    22.8 KB · Views: 38
Liebling:-))) said:
Sorry, I don't have any websites for that picture. I got it thru emails. I will create my thread later to add any pictures to share with you all... then you can take any pictures from my thread... Don't you think so?

I am going to create a new thread today to let anyone to share the pictures, coloravalanche and WolfAngel.. :mrgreen:
liebling.... cute desktop picture you got ..i love snoopy!! that funny one! :D

Great desktop pix.. I wanna to show u but its very nasty laughing... Liebling!!!!!!!!!! I dunno if I could show u this pix in topic.. Its nasty... :rofl:
My new linux operating system changes the desktop images. The fighter plane background is there Mondays through Fridays and the sunset smog lake is there Saturdays and Sundays.

The .png's are big files so I used my sidekick to make the images.



  • fpd.jpg
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  • ssl.jpg
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My favorite baseball team. Go Sox! :thumb:


  • redoxdesktop.gif
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this is my desktop picture...im in LOVE with kelly clarkson.


  • Copy of kelly black and white.bmp
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my current bkgd on my work pc. it is Halo 2's map of Relic ! i love playing in Relic !


  • bkgd0805.jpg
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sablescort said:
... Sometimes I wish I was born in the 1950's instead of the 1970's so I could have enjoyed the NYWF in 1964, but alas, it's wishful thinking on my part. ...
I was 13 years old when we went to the NY World's Fair at Flushing Meadow. It was great! Everything seemed so futuristic and "international" at that time. It was the first time I saw a telephone that showed video pictures.

My mom was 14 years old when she went to her first NY World's Fair in 1939. It was the first time she saw a television broadcast.

I know, this is :topic: ; sorry.
I replaced my previous wallpaper of a dog pissing on a Bush-Cheney sign with one showing the Saleen S7 as drawn by the new xbox360 hardware for Project Gotham Racing 3 on the xbox360 game system that I'm really lusting after heh...

My pix. I know, it's boring. Better than nothing.


  • dooffy_homer.jpg
    34.8 KB · Views: 21
Computer Freaks (Of course it's not my computer)

computer freaks... (this is not my desktop)...


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