Picture of You STONED!

Defee said:
hehehe...is it legal in Australia?
I know its legal in Netherlands..wonder why ?
Here in United States, alcohol should be illegal! haha..
Just poppin off here...............

I always want to visit Australia so badly!!. i didnt know they are legal.. if so, it would be great for us to move over there!!
Me with tanktop, other my stone buddy, we have blasttttttt we got stone allday.. that's how i look this shyt.. :smoking:
was too stoned. that pix taken in 1994.


  • Jade1994.jpg
    9.6 KB · Views: 53
i was stoned on 4th of july 2002 with MKS my good friend! :P


  • stoned.jpg
    12.4 KB · Views: 54
I'm laughing over this thread... jeez everyone looks just so gosh darn happy! Happy is g-o-o-o-od! :thumb: