Pics of you - Part V

you candybrowneyes' sister? :lol:

Nice looking guy and so intelligent...good pix!, if I were a few years younger...."j/k".....

It's a nice picture, smile. You're not foolin anyone, laughing, "Ms. RR"
I think i might be ready to show my face, hmmm No screaming if
I do please..laughing. RR you are "grace and dignity" it shows!
Peace always..Midnight..♥♥♥
Pics of you..

I love photo threads! It's so cool seeing how everyone looks!

This is me. :aw:

My hair is a mess. :giggle:

13arbie...You need make no excuses, you are a lovely young woman.
You have that sweet "cuppie doll" face...thanks for sharing.
Peace begins within...Midnight..♥♥♥
Pics of you..

Well, here is my first picture since turning twenty on Saturday.


Actually, that's a little bit of a lie. I took some pictures for makeup tutorial videos, but to me, that doesn't count, hahaha. That's just my eyes!

Ahhhh, You look so pretty, I like less eye makeup, but you are just a babe 20, happy belated Bday and remember your real beauty shines thru from the inside! Thanks for sharing your beautiful♥♥♥
Pics of you..

You are an adorable 14 yr old. few more years, the ladies will be all over you..take your time, learn who you are..Im sure you are gonna have your heart broken at least once. Smile, you keep shining that smile..OK?
Peace to you always my sweet young friend..Midnight..♥♥♥
OMG Is very terrible news hail and loud thunderstorm I am surprised

risk dangerous hail
