Pics of you - Part V

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saywhatkid said:
Taken at Backbone State Park yesterday. :)

I was there before, in the fall. About as good as it gets for parks in Iowa.

Yeah it is one of the best park worth checking out.
Yep, I know a few people with that syndrome. Rather a fascinating syndrome although some pictures in the link are terrifying and doesn't quite belong in the batch like Michael Jackson? :lol: Would make a perfect Rogue for X-Men!

LOL my thoughts exactly..
My hearing loss is carried by the same gene as my blue eyes, though I don't have WS. Nevertheless, if I hadn't had blue eyes, I would not have had a hearing loss. Also, if I were to have children with someone with blue eyes, there is a 50% chance that the children would have hearing loss/deafness.

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